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Bets: Spalletti 'if you do irregular things, just pay' - Last hour


Highlights: Bets: Spalletti 'if you do irregular things, just pay' - Last hour. "It is right to try to help them defend themselves, then there is justice will take its course: but if irregular things have been done it is rightto pay". (ANSA) "We must talk about the risk of falling into these temptations" - added the technician to Sky microphones -, explain to these young people that there are these pitfalls".All rights reserved © Copyright ANSA.

"It is right to try to help them defend themselves, then there is justice will take its course: but if irregular things have been done it is right to pay". (ANSA)

"It is right to try to help them defend themselves, then there is justice will take its course: but if irregular things have been done it is right to pay". So the national coach, Luciano Spalletti, on the betting case that involved the two blues Tonali and Zaniolo. "We must talk about the risk of falling into these temptations - added the technician to Sky microphones -, explain to these young people that there are these pitfalls".

All rights reserved © Copyright ANSA

Source: ansa

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