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Betting, Corona: 'Zalewski also involved'. Zaniolo: 'Only played blackjack' - Sport


Highlights: Investigators will analyze chats and data of seized mobile phones. Nicola Zalewski, Roma's full-back, would also be involved in the alleged betting ring, according to new revelations on Fabrizio Corona's Dillingernews. It is the fourth name of footballer who is a former photographic agent, after those of Fagioli, Zaniolo and Tonali. Police yesterday showed up at the national team meeting in Coverciano to deliver a guarantee notice to the two Azzurri.

Investigation, a round of 1 million euros. Investigators will analyze chats and data of seized mobile phones (ANSA)

Nicola Zalewski, Roma's full-back, would also be involved in the alleged betting ring, according to new revelations on Fabrizio Corona's It is the fourth name of footballer who is a former photographic agent, after those of Fagioli, Zaniolo and Tonali.

"It is right to try to help them defend themselves, then there is justice will take its course: but if irregular things have been done it is right to pay". So the coach of the National Luciano Spalletti on the betting case that involved the two blues Tonali and Zaniolo.

To deepen Agenzia ANSA Scommesse, Spalletti: 'If irregular things have been done, it is right to pay' - Football - "It is right to try to help them defend themselves, then there is justice will take its course: but if irregular things have been done it is right to pay". (ANSA)

Nicolò Zaniolo meanwhile returned to England after leaving Coverciano following the notification of the acts of investigation on betting. Sources close to the player - according to what ANSA learns - speak of moderate serenity around the affair. The player would admit that he had used a platform, which he did not know was illegal, not for betting on football, but for playing cards (it would seem blackjack). The lawyer appointed this morning is avv. Antonio Conte, who has already followed him in the custody case of his son. Now we are waiting for the acts. The strategy will then be evaluated and whether to be supported by a criminal lawyer.

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The crime alleged against Zaniolo is abusive exercise of gaming or betting activities. According to what is learned, the case contested to the former Roma player ended up in the register of suspects together with Fagioli and Tonali in the investigation on football betting. is the one provided for in Article 4 of Law 401 of 1989. Yesterday the investigators proceeded to seize the mobile phones that will now be analyzed and in particular the chats will be sifted.

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The analysis of forensic copies of Sandro Tonali and Niccolò Zaniolo's mobile phones will be one of the next steps in the investigation of the Turin prosecutor's office on alleged illegal betting in the world of football. The police yesterday showed up at the national team meeting in Coverciano to deliver a guarantee notice to the two Azzurri: an act imposed by the fact that both play abroad. Their names were made yesterday by Fabrizio Corona during a hearing that took place at the police headquarters in Milan. One circumstance that intrigues investigators is the identity of the photographer's mysterious source.

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Illegal bets for a total amount in the order of one million euros. This is the front of the investigations opened by the Turin prosecutor's office on the world of football. For the three players registered in the register of suspects, the file is opened for 'abusive exercise of gaming or betting', provided for by Law 401 of 1989, and in particular paragraph 3 of Article 4, which punishes those who participate in abusive activities organized and managed by other subjects with arrest up to three months or a fine.

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Corona also accuses Zaniolo's mother

"Zaniolo's mother also had a leading role in her son's betting round." This is what the so-called "source" would have said to Fabrizio Corona, according to new revelations reported on the website, in which the former photographic agent is publishing these days details and names on the new front of football betting, on which the Turin prosecutors investigate. What Corona calls "the informant" or "deep throat" allegedly told him that Francesca Costa, mother of the former Roma striker, would manage "her son's affairs" and that she would be "aware of everything". In the text reported on the site we also read, about the "information provided by Fabrizio's source", this passage, always referring to the alleged 'mole': "a deep throat in the FIGC?".

According to investigative circles in Turin, the mole who is revealing to Fabrizio Corona details about the illegitimate bets of the players is in Roman environments. The names of Sandro Tonali and Nicolò Zaniolo, mentioned yesterday by the former king of the paparazzi, had long been known to the mobile squad and the Palace of Justice. The investigation, which refers to online betting rounds not only of a sporting nature, is open from 2022. The first communication from Corona is dated August 2, 2023, when he stated that the Juventus Nicolò Fagioli suffered from ludopathy, without mentioning that a judicial proceeding was open in Turin, in great secrecy.

Sbrollini: 'Ludopatia is an underestimated emergency'

"What is investing Italian football is a real Tsunami. The spectre of betting, after the scandals of 1980 and 2011, returns to hover over this world. With worrying methods, such as the visit of the agents to Coverciano and the trickle of names by Fabrizio Corona, who soon, apparently, will reveal another. And, beyond the sporting or criminal consequences, it brings us back to what is a social emergency, often underestimated: ludopathy". This was stated by the senator of Italy Viva Daniela Sbrollini, head of sports of the party and vice president of the Senate Social Affairs and Health Commission. "Gambling addiction is a demon that can lead entire families to economic ruin or social isolation. And it strikes - adds Sbrollini - without distinction of age, sex and social status: unemployed, pensioners, workers, even rich and famous boys. In this case, the phenomenon takes on even more worrying connotations, because footballers are role models for young people and risk becoming miseducational. And we know that this type of addiction particularly affects young people, to whom we must propose positive sports models. And in Italy, fortunately, they are the majority".

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Source: ansa

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