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Flood Livorno, former mayor Nogarin sentenced to 3 years - Last hour


Highlights: Flood Livorno, former mayor Nogarin sentenced to 3 years - Last hour. The sentence came today after Judge Ottavio Mosti retired to chambers. The defense lawyer Sabrina Franzone, in today's hearing, made the final harangue to which the prosecutors and the civil parties then replied. The former mayor was the only defendant in the trial for the flood of Livorno in which 8 people died and in which he was theOnly defendant in trial for Livorno flood.

The former mayor of Livorno Filippo Nogarin was sentenced to 3 years in prison for aggravated multiple manslaughter in the trial for the flood of Livorno in September 2017 in which 8 people died and in which he was the only defendant. (ANSA)

The former mayor of Livorno Filippo Nogarin was sentenced to 3 years in prison for aggravated multiple manslaughter in the trial for the flood of Livorno in September 2017 in which 8 people died and in which he was the only defendant. The sentence came today after Judge Ottavio Mosti retired to chambers.
The defense lawyer Sabrina Franzone, in today's hearing, made the final harangue to which the prosecutors and the civil parties then replied.

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Source: ansa

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