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Gastroenterologist warns: "One in four Germans suffers from fatty liver"


Highlights: Gastroenterologist warns: "One in four Germans suffers from fatty liver".. Status: 13.10.2023, 16:42 PM by: Laura Knops. Fatty liver disease is not always related to excessive alcohol consumption, but rather to an unhealthy lifestyle. If the symptoms are detected too late, great damage is caused to the organ. In 95 percent of cases, lack of exercise and poor nutrition would be behind a fatty liver. In general, doctors distinguish between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic fatty Liver disease.

Status: 13.10.2023, 16:42 PM

By: Laura Knops


Fatty liver disease is not always related to excessive alcohol consumption, but rather to an unhealthy lifestyle. If the symptoms are detected too late, great damage is caused to the organ.

According to the German Liver Foundation, fatty liver is one of the most common liver diseases in Germany. Only in some cases is the disease related to excessive alcohol consumption. This is because people with type 2 diabetes and severe obesity in particular suffer from chronic fatty liver disease, and children are also often affected.

Silent disease: Fatty liver affects not only adults

Even children can develop fatty liver. The cause is often severe obesity. © Design Pics/IMAGO

In Germany, about 25 percent of the population is affected by fatty liver. This means that one in four people is struggling with the disease, as gastroenterologist Elke Roeb reveals in an interview with In general, doctors distinguish between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic fatty liver disease. In addition to an unhealthy diet, the causes that lead to fatty liver in combination include lack of exercise and the associated obesity as well as heavy alcohol consumption. If the liver has to process a particularly large number of toxins at once or absorb more fat, it usually cannot keep up with the breakdown or storage. As a result, additional fat is deposited in the liver tissue.

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This fatty degeneration leads to inflammatory processes in the liver, which can become chronic over a longer period of time. If this is not treated early, the tissue will become scarred. Experts then speak of liver fibrosis or "hardening of the liver". Gradually, the liver can only perform its functions such as detoxifying the body to a limited extent. However, it can take several years or decades for so-called cirrhosis of the liver to occur.

Developing a fatty liver: a variety of causes

Fatty liver diseases often go undetected because they are usually completely asymptomatic in the early stages. At the beginning, those affected often complain of symptoms such as fatigue, bloating or pain in the upper abdomen. Clarity can be provided by a check-up with the family doctor, during which deviating liver values are recorded. However, blood values are not routinely examined until the age of 35. For many people, however, this comes too late. Many children and adolescents already suffer from the consequences of fatty liver. "One in three overweight children develops fatty liver. In this respect, the check-up at 35 comes too late. However, there is a certain risk awareness among paediatricians," explains Elke Roeb.


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The causes of liver disease can be manifold. In addition to factors such as poor nutrition and lack of exercise, alcohol, lipid metabolism disorders, drugs or certain medications can also impair the function of the liver. Genes or malnutrition also affect the liver. Nevertheless, an unfavorable lifestyle remains the main risk of developing fatty liver disease in the course of one's life. In 95 percent of cases, lack of exercise and poor nutrition would be behind a fatty liver.

Causes of fatty liver: Alcohol doesn't have to play a role

Although alcohol is often associated with fatty liver disease – and alcoholism can actually trigger it – other causes are much more common. "With regard to the development, it is often only known that increased alcohol consumption is not good for the liver. But many people are not aware that the liver can also be sick if you drink little or no alcohol," explains Professor Michael Manns, Chairman of the Board of the German Liver Foundation to the Federal Center for Nutrition (BfE).

To prevent fatty liver disease, the German Liver Foundation recommends incorporating around 150 minutes of endurance training into everyday life every week. It is best to spread the training over three to four days a week. In addition to cycling, running, trail running or swimming, it is also enough to go for a quick walk or hike. However, it is important to train for at least 30 minutes at a time so that the fats in the liver are broken down.

Liver-Friendly Diet: More Healthy Fats on Your Plate

According to expert Elke Roeb, you can also take a few precautionary measures when it comes to nutrition. Foods with a high proportion of saturated fatty acids should be avoided. These are mainly found in animal products such as butter, meat, sausage and cheese. Highly concentrated fructose, artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, such as those contained in ready-to-eat products, should also only be on the menu in moderation.

The basis of a liver-friendly diet is plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, legumes and healthy carbohydrates such as those from potatoes. Fat does not have to be avoided entirely, but rather eaten in the form of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Plant sources for this are nuts or seeds. Fish also contains the healthy fats.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-13

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