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In a relationship, what are the 5 types of toxic relationships?


Highlights: In a relationship, what are the 5 types of toxic relationships? Dependency, character incompatibility, manipulation... Two specialists identify unhealthy relationships. A toxic couple doesn't allow us to flourish. It slows us down, represses us, gives us the feeling of'regression' rather than 'progress' It is therefore essential to quickly become aware of the harmful nature of the relationship. Staying in such a situation can have strong consequences... This article is for subscribers only. You still have 86% to discover.

TIPS - Dependency, character incompatibility, manipulation... Two specialists identify unhealthy relationships.

Piercing glances, small attentions, and then feelings, nascent. That's how a love story can begin. As beautiful and pure as it may seem, that doesn't stop it from becoming unhealthy. "If one or both of the partners in the couple regularly experiences negative emotions related to the relationship, it is likely that it is toxic," says Christèle Albaret, psychosociologist and founder of La clinique e-santé, an online psychological care platform. A toxic couple doesn't allow us to flourish. As individuals, it slows us down, represses us, gives us the feeling of 'regression' rather than 'progress'."

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This is a great suffering for the person concerned, who loses sight of himself and ends up no longer knowing who he is. It is therefore essential to quickly become aware of the harmful nature of the relationship, warns the psychosociologist. Staying in such a situation can have strong consequences...

This article is for subscribers only. You still have 86% to discover.

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Source: lefigaro

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