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Israeli Army denies using white phosphorus - Last hour


Highlights: The denial came after Human Rights Watch accused Israel of using white phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at serious risk. The Israeli military has rejected allegations that it has used white phosphorus, calling them "unequivocally false" The denial comes after an analysis of videos of the conflict. The denial came following a report by the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The report said that the use of white phosphorus by the Israeli military in the Gaza conflict put civilians at risk.

The Israeli military has rejected allegations that it has used white phosphorus in its military operations, calling them "unequivocally false." Al Jazeera reports. (ANSA)

The Israeli military has rejected allegations that it has used white phosphorus in its military operations these days, calling them "unequivocally false". Al Jazeera reports.
The denial came after Human Rights Watch accused Israel of using white phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at serious risk, following an analysis of videos of the conflict.

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Source: ansa

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