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Macron, 'France hit by the barbarity of Islamic terrorism' - Last hour


Highlights: Macron, 'France hit by the barbarity of Islamic terrorism' - last hour. "France is once again struck by the barbarianism of Islamic Terrorism" - French president. He paid tribute to the body of the professor killed by a young Chechen who praised Allah Akbar. It was "a savage and cowardly murder", Macron stressed, recalling the beheading of another professor, Samuel Paty, 3 years ago in the suburbs of Paris. "It was a savage, cowardly murder," he said.

"France is once again struck by the barbarity of Islamic terrorism": these are the first words of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, at the exit from the Gambetta high school in Arras, where he paid tribute to the body of the professor killed by a young blind... (ANSA)

"France is once again struck by the barbarity of Islamic terrorism": these are the first words of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, at the exit from the Gambetta in Arras, where he paid tribute to the body of the professor killed by a young Chechen who praised Allah Akbar. It was "a savage and cowardly murder", Macron stressed, recalling the beheading of another professor, Samuel Paty, 3 years ago in the suburbs of Paris.

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Source: ansa

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