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Migrants, two other detention validations rejected by judges - Politics


Highlights: Migrants, two other detention validations rejected by judges - Politics. The carabiniere to the Pm, I did not make the video on Apostolico (ANSA). The tribunal of Catania, followed by that of Potenza, continues on the line inaugurated by ApostolICO not validating another 5 detentions. The provisions of the police commissioner of Ragusa therefore rise to 19, rejected by the Etna magistrates who disapplied the Cutri decree and considered the firm to be contrary to the Constitution.

The carabiniere to the Pm, I did not make the video on Apostolico (ANSA)

The tribunal of Catania, followed by that of Potenza, continues on the line inaugurated by Apostolico not validating another 5 detentions. The provisions of the police commissioner of Ragusa therefore rise to 19, rejected by the Etna magistrates who disapplied the Cutri decree and considered the firm to be contrary to the Constitution and EU legislation. Also from Palermo, the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano indirectly spoke about the events in Catania. "The parameter for the judge - he said - is not the sharing or not of the contents of the norm that he is called to apply: unless he doubts justifiably of its consistency with the Constitution. It is not up to the Courts either to invent law, to theorize the greater suitability of judicial procedure to settle those conflicts that require the exercise of political discretion, or to substitute national or supranational bodies in classifying relations between States. It is up to the Courts to speak in the name of the Italian people, not in place of the Italian people." On the political-judiciary tensions, the vice-president of the CSM Fabio Pinelli, also in Palermo today, tried to throw water on the fire: "A pacification is necessary - he underlined - a fruitful dialogue in the search for and construction of a judicial system as shared as possible, which fully designs a new model of justice in a modern liberal democracy of the XXI Century".

The carabiniere, indicated in recent days as the author of the video that filmed the judge Iolanda Apostolico at a protest demonstration at the port of Catania against the government's migration policies, meanwhile, denied having shot the film. Yesterday through his lawyer, today in first person before the prosecutors who investigate the filming the military: heard as a person informed about the facts for over 90 minutes by the acting prosecutor, Agata Santonocito, he paraded denying that he had ever confessed to having taken the images and then having retracted anything as claimed by the Undersecretary of the Interior Molteni in recent days. A testimony, that of the military, not investigated and who presented himself at the Palace of Justice without his lawyer, the lawyer Christian Petrina, which makes even more intricate the yellow of the video posted by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini after the first decision of the judge, last September 29, not to validate the detentions of 4 Tunisian asylum seekers.

"Who gave it to me? My only concern is what you see. Everyone in his private life - said the deputy prime minister at a demonstration of the Lega-Mpa in Palermo returning to ask for the reform of Justice - does what he wants to have seen a judge being in the square among people who gave murderers and animals to the policemen does not leave me calm. I am not interested in who shot the filming, I am amazed that this judge continues to do his work on the same dossier by freeing immigrants whom the Quaestors want to detain. God forbid that one of these illegal immigrants commits an act of violence." The senator of the Democratic Party Filippo Sensi attacks the minister: "The video posted by Salvini, therefore, did not do the carabiniere, it is not of the police. So what? How did it end up in the timeline of the vice-president of the council? Who got it from? Who shot it? Hearings and question time are not enough to bring out the truth. What a shame."

Video The video of the Apostolic Judge at the demonstration in Catania

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Source: ansa

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