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Pro-Palestine march in Rome, tension between students and police - News


Highlights: Pro-Palestine march in Rome, tension between students and police - News. Throwing eggs and smoke bombs towards agents (ANSA). Tensions at the march in Roma of students in solidarity with the Palestinian people. The students diverted the route agreed with the Police Headquarters and there was the intervention of the police.Students throw eggs and Smoke bombs at the officers' cordon. Now the procession is blocked in Via dei Frentani, near La Sapienza University. The police have strengthened the deployment with two other armored vehicles.

Throwing eggs and smoke bombs towards agents (ANSA)

Tensions at the march in Rome of students in solidarity with the Palestinian people. The students diverted the route agreed with the Police Headquarters and there was the intervention of the police.

Students throw eggs and smoke bombs at the officers' cordon. The students tried to force the police blockade and the charge started. Now the procession is blocked in Via dei Frentani, near La Sapienza University. Thick the launch of smoke bombs at the police who have strengthened the deployment with two other armored vehicles.

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Source: ansa

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