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Quarrel in Under 21, coach Nunziata sends home Nasti - Football


Highlights: Quarrel in Under 21, coach Nunziata sends home Nasti. Out for disciplinary reasons, the striker returns to Bari. Troubled waters also in Italy Under 21. Tonali and Zaniolo affected by the involvement of the Azzurrini in the betting investigation, a quarrel between the players led the coach to exclude the player from the list of call-ups. The striker had scored in the test against the U18, was removed following a dispute with a teammate and will therefore return to his club.

Out for disciplinary reasons, the striker returns to Bari (ANSA)

Troubled waters also in Italy Under 21. While the senior national team was affected by the involvement of Tonali and Zaniolo in the betting investigation, a quarrel between the Azzurrini led the coach Carmine Nunziata to exclude the player Marco Nasti from the list of call-ups for disciplinary reasons: the Bari striker, who yesterday had scored in the test against the U18, was removed following a dispute with a teammate and will therefore return to his club today.

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Source: ansa

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