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Security, Meloni: 'There is no particular alert level in Italy' - News


Highlights: Security, Meloni: 'There is no particular alert level in Italy' - News. 'Risk emulation for Hams atrocities' said the prime minister who says she is worried: 'Dialogue to avoid escalation' (ANSA). "It must make people reflect on the events of these days that someone can emulate such terror." This was said by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Maputo, explaining that she was "extremely shocked by the fact that Hamas militiamen wanted to film such atrocious scenes"

'Risk emulation for Hams atrocities' said the prime minister who says she is worried: 'Dialogue to avoid escalation' (ANSA)

"It must make people reflect on the events of these days that someone can emulate such terror." This was said by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Maputo, explaining that she was "extremely shocked by the fact that Hamas militiamen wanted to film such atrocious scenes". "There is no particular level of alert in Italy, one of the very first things done on the day of the Hamas attacks was to strengthen security in sensitive places for Jewish communities." This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Maputo, explaining that "our security services are alerted" also on the risk of emulation and "some assessments must be made on the control of those who enter and arrive from outside, in particular from the Balkan route. It is one of the elements on which we work incessantly, it is one of the reasons why today we have restricted this visit".

"I confess that I am quite worried about the scenario, we must prevent the conflict from escalating." This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Maputo, commenting on the crisis in Israel and explaining that "it is a very delicate phase in which we must maintain the highest possible level of interlocutions with allies and actors who may be involved". "We are currently working with all the actors in the region, I have heard several heads of state and government not only Netanyahu but also the Lebanese Prime Minister, the Sheikh of the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, President Al Sisi, the King of Jordan, we are trying to exchange information and maintain contacts at 360 degrees to avoid an escalation that could lead to a regional conflict and therefore much more extensive. It's a very delicate phase." underlined the prime minister talking about the crisis in Israel with journalists in Maputo. "Minister Tajani is in Israel and will also be in Jordan. It is a phase in which, both at the allied level, in the Quint format and at the bilateral level, and at the level of actors that can be involved in the region, interlocution must be maintained at the highest possible level. I confess that I am quite worried about the general scenario but also that there may be work to prevent the conflict from escalating out of control".

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Source: ansa

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