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Signs of deflation in China from consumer prices - Last hour


Highlights: In September, consumer prices remain unchanged unchanged on an annual basis, compared with analysts' estimates of a rise of 0.2%. On producer prices, the decline is 2.5% per annum (forecast of -2.4% and -3% in August), the twelfth consecutive contraction, but the lowest since March amid government measures to support consumption. The economic data shows growth of. 0.4%, while on a monthly basis, reports the National Bureau of Statistics, there is an increase of.0%.

China still shows elements of deflation: in September, consumer prices remain unchanged unchanged on an annual basis, compared with analysts' estimates of a rise of 0.2% to reinforce the recovery trend of August (+0.1%). (ANSA)

China still shows elements of deflation: in September, consumer prices remain unchanged on an annual basis, compared with analysts' estimates of a rise of 0.2% to reinforce the recovery trend of August (+0.1%). While on a monthly basis, reports the National Bureau of Statistics, there is an increase of 0.2%.
On producer prices, the decline is 2.5% per annum (forecast of -2.4% and -3% in August), the twelfth consecutive contraction, but the lowest since March amid government measures to support consumption. The economic data shows growth of 0.4% (+0.2% in August).

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Source: ansa

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