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Von der Leyen: 'Most heinous attack on Jews since the Holocaust' - News


Highlights: Von der Leyen: 'Most heinous attack on Jews since the Holocaust' - News. Metsola,'stop Hamas and work on humanitarian consequences' (ANSA). "The goal" of Hamas "is to eradicate Jewish life from the land and they have taken action" This was stated by the President of the EU Commission Ursula von der LeyEN meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "We mourn with the families of the victims. How we respond is important. We can - must - stop Hamas," Metsola added.

Metsola, 'stop Hamas and work on humanitarian consequences' (ANSA)

"The goal" of Hamas "is to eradicate Jewish life from the land and they have taken action. This is the most heinous attack on Jews since the Holocaust. We thought it could never happen again, and yet it did. In the face of this unspeakable tragedy, there is only one possible answer: Europe stands by Israel. And Israel has the right to defend itself. On the contrary, he has the duty to defend his people." This was stated by the President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"The European Parliament expressed its strongest solidarity with the people of Israel. We must and can stop Hamas and we can work together on the humanitarian consequences we are facing." This was stated by the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola meeting, together with the President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the President of Israel Isaac Herzog. "We were in Kfar Azza, there are no words to describe what happened. I fully endorsed Israel's call for Hamas to immediately release hostages and stop using civilians as human shields, as it has often done," von der Leyen said.

"We are here to express our solidarity with the Israeli people following the terrible Hamas terrorist attack,"
von der Leyen writes in X. How we respond is important. We can - must - stop Hamas. And do everything possible to mitigate the humanitarian consequences," Metsola added. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola were late in the morning at kibbutz Kfar Azza, the scene of one of the most brutal massacres committed by Hamas last Saturday. "The unspeakable acts committed by Hamas in this place will pass into worldwide infamy. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They do not represent the aspirations of the Palestinian people, they stand in the way. Their brutality can never be justified," Metsola wrote in X. "We were in Kfar Azza. One of the epicenters of the atrocities committed by Hamas last weekend. The horror of what happened here is unspeakable. We mourn with the families of the victims," von der Leyen wrote. Both posted the image of them in the kibbutz, wearing bulletproof vests and surrounded by soldiers.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola and Israeli President Isaac Herzog had to interrupt their meeting in Tel Aviv to take cover with their delegations in a shelter during the anti-aircraft alert.

To deepen ANSA Tajani Agency in Israel: "Hamas like Isis, shields itself with civilians" "It has already rejected the Egyptian proposal to save lives," said the foreign minister. Von der Leyen and Metsola also visited: "We must stop Hamas". For them the visit in the kibbuz of horror and then in the air shelter in Tel Aviv (ANSA)

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Source: ansa

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