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Why cashiers open the egg carton at the checkout


Highlights: Why cashiers open the egg carton at the checkout. Many customers wonder why this is so. Is this a quality check to make sure the eggs are intact? Or do supermarket employees check special labels and labels inside the box? In fact, there is a very different reason behind the control. The boxes are easy to hide smaller items such as chewing gum, lighters or surprise eggs. Only the barcode of the eggs is captured during the scanning process. The other products can therefore be smuggled outside without payment.

Status: 13.10.2023, 17:30 PM


For supermarket employees, looking into the egg carton is part of the routine. But why are the products subjected to such strict control at the checkout?

It's an everyday occurrence at the supermarket checkout: the cashier opens the egg carton, takes a quick look inside, and then closes it again. The rest of the items are then scanned as normal. Many customers wonder why this is so. Is this a quality check to make sure the eggs are intact? Or do supermarket employees check special labels and labels inside the box? In fact, there is a very different reason behind the control.

A look inside the egg carton: More than just quality control

Eggs are one of the most popular foods. On average, every German eats 236 pieces per year. The small protein bombs can be prepared in a variety of ways: as fried or scrambled eggs, as an omelette or boiled. In addition, eggs are an important ingredient to conjure up sweet treats such as cakes or pastries. For this reason, for many, the egg carton should not be missing from their weekly bulk shopping.

Small products can be hidden in the egg carton. © IMAGO

It is well known that eggs are very fragile and can be easily damaged. Therefore, consumers should always check the goods before they end up in the shopping basket. Sometimes the eggs break when filling the box or during transport. In some cases, it can also happen that the box is not completely filled.

At the supermarket checkout, the cashiers also take a critical look at the egg carton. Many customers assume that this is a service. A common theory is that supermarket employees want to avoid possible complaints if the eggs are damaged, so they carry out quality control at the checkout. However, this is not true.

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That's why egg cartons are inspected at the checkout

In fact, cashiers check egg cartons to prevent theft. The boxes are easy to hide smaller items such as chewing gum, lighters or surprise eggs. However, during the scanning process at the checkout, only the barcode of the eggs is captured. The other products can therefore be smuggled outside without payment. By opening the egg cartons, the checkout staff can quickly see if everything is going well.


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In fact, supermarket thieves try this trick again and again and do not shy away from major thefts. "They're always hiding things like OB eggs or spices. Once, someone took an expensive electric toothbrush out of the package and put it in the box," a cashier told Focus Online. Items such as jewelry would also be hidden between the eggs again and again.

Another employee reports: "I've already found all the eggs replaced by surprise eggs. I was like, 'Oh, that would have been a sweet omelette.'" Many customers would react with surprise when asked about the hidden goods. "You remember the customers and then take a closer look when they come back," the cashier adds. This is an instruction from above: "If we don't do that, there will even be a warning."

Supermarket check: Bag inspection is not permitted

By the way, egg cartons are not the only packaging in which thieves hide stolen goods. Articles are also smuggled into hair dye boxes as well as newspapers and magazines. That's why cashiers check to see if there are any other goods or newspapers hidden between the pages. Theoretically, of course, this can also happen unintentionally.

The strict look into the egg carton definitely has advantages for customers. Although this is mainly a measure against theft, the cashier also checks the completeness and integrity of the goods. That's why it's not a bad thing if you forget to inspect the eggs yourself.

By the way, supermarkets and discounters also have limits when it comes to theft control. For example, you can't just inspect customers' bags. According to the consumer advice centre, this is inadmissible without a concrete suspicion. Only if a thief is caught red-handed is the store staff allowed to take a look in the bag. Supermarkets, on the other hand, are allowed to ask their customers to drop off large backpacks or bags at the entrance. While shopping, they should be able to be guarded or secured in a locker.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-13

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