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Witnesses, 'explosion in Afghanistan mosque, many dead' - Last hour


Highlights: Witnesses, 'explosion in Afghanistan mosque, many dead' - Last hour. An explosion devastated a mosque of the Shiite minority in northern Afghanistan. Two witnesses told AFP, one of whom spoke of "a large number" of dead and wounded. "The explosion occurred during Friday prayers... (ANSA). - ROME, OCTOBER 13 - An explosion has devastated a Mosque of the Shiites in Baghlan province, northern Afghanistan, witnesses say. "A large number of people killed and injured were taken to hospital," said Abdul Hamid from Pol-e-Khomri.

An explosion devastated a mosque of the Shiite minority in northern Afghanistan. Two witnesses told AFP, one of whom spoke of "a large number" of dead and wounded. "The explosion occurred during Friday prayers... (ANSA)

- ROME, OCTOBER 13 - An explosion has devastated a mosque of the Shiite minority in northern Afghanistan. Two witnesses told AFP, one of whom spoke of "a large number" of dead and wounded.
"The explosion occurred during Friday prayers...
A large number of people killed and injured were taken to hospital," said Abdul Hamid from Pol-e-Khomri, capital of Baghlan province.

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Source: ansa

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