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"Beasley and Bamba - unnecessary": this is what IDF soldiers really lack. Special project - Walla! health


Highlights: Walla! launches fundraising campaign for products soldiers need in the field. Some of the products can save lives, and are available in any pharmacy, supermarket or travel goods store. We call on companies and importers who supply these products to contact us (details at the bottom of the article) if they wish to donate these products for the benefit of Israeli soldiers. We will connect you with the appropriate places in the army or civilian system to which you can transfer the products, and from there they will safely reach the soldiers.

The sweets you send to soldiers are unnecessary. Space they need other products, some of them lifesaving. A reservist named Ben with the full details

That's what IDF soldiers really lack. Soldier Ben explains/from the network

Since the outbreak of the war, the citizens of Israel have fully mobilized on behalf of IDF soldiers fighting on the various fronts. From all sides, on social networks and in the media, you can see the exciting shipments packed for the combat forces, which always include a personal letter or drawing for the soldier receiving the package.

But what most of us send to soldiers, with a lot of good intentions, they lack less during combat. A video posted on social media by a reservist named Ben describes in detail what food products and accessories soldiers in the field really lack.

Walla's Health Channel! Picks up the gauntlet and launches a fundraising campaign for these products, some of which can save lives, and are available in any pharmacy, supermarket or travel goods store.

We call on companies and importers who supply these products to contact us (details at the bottom of the article) if they wish to donate these products for the benefit of Israeli soldiers. We will connect you with the appropriate places in the army or civilian system to which you can transfer the products, and from there they will safely reach the soldiers in the field.

This is what the soldiers in the field really lack:

  • Thick black scintilla tape (preferably from Tesa): For attaching various emergency equipment to rifles.
  • Long and strong black laces:for tying and unifying equipment, for easier mobility in the field
  • Tiny first aid kits: for personal carrying of each soldier in the field, for use when needed without waiting for the unit medic.
  • Band-Aid Rolls: Thick and thin, for immediate use in the field.
  • Band-aids for the treatment of warts and blisters: for immediate help to soldiers who are in the field 24/7
  • Tourniquets:Product whose absence in the field can cause death
  • Drinking carriers with belts or back harnesses: will supply liquids to soldiers at all times during the fighting
  • ElectroRise enclosures from the pharmacy: initial treatment for dehydrated soldiers, which keeps them back in action within minutes.
  • Thick black markers: For marking personal equipment in the field and important medical documentation in case of injuries. In addition, it can also be used in conjunction with the tourniquet to increase pressure on the organ by rotating it.
  • Tipex bottles: for marking each soldier's personal equipment and other markings designed to assist soldiers during battle.
  • Lederman knife: In addition to the variety of knives contained in the knife, it is possible to clean rifles and pistols with it.
  • Protein bars: Many soldiers are in the field for many hours and do not arrive for a regular meal. Beyond being sweet, the protein bar has everything the body needs for a few hours.
  • TikTok or Mentus: Can't give up sweets for soldiers – put Mentos or TikTok rolls in their packages. These are the only things they will be able to connect to their bodies in the field. With packages of Bisley, Bamba or Apropo - it doesn't work.

In the following articles we will update how many and which products were donated and tell you about the companies and importers who raised the gauntlet and transferred their products for IDF soldiers.

Contact us at the following email address and we will get back to you shortly -

  • More on the subject:
  • War in the South
  • Soldiers
  • Donations

Source: walla

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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