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Al Qaeda's call for Jihad: "Muslims mobilize." Crosetto: "There is a risk of 'fighters' among migrants" - News


Highlights: Al Qaeda's call for Jihad: "Muslims mobilize." Crosetto: "There is a risk of 'fighters' among migrants" - News. Ansa. Return of the carabinieri from Jericho. The minister also said that he plans to cancel the Armed Forces party (ANSA). A call for jihad has been spread by Al Qaeda on its Telegram channels for Muslims to mobilize around the world to strike Israeli and American targets. To report the appeal are the US intelligence services in the reports sent to the allies.

Return of the carabinieri from Jericho. The minister also said that he plans to cancel the Armed Forces party (ANSA)

A call for Jihad has been spread by Al Qaeda on its Telegram channels for Muslims to mobilize around the world to strike Israeli and American targets. To report the appeal are the US intelligence services in the reports sent to the allies. In particular, according to what is learned, the messages would invite Muslims to hit citizens of Jewish religion as well as military bases, embassies and US airports in Muslim countries, from the United Arab Emirates to Morocco, from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain. Other countries offering support to Israel are also indicated as possible targets.

"Now it becomes essential to defend the security of the country and I am convinced that this need will increase in the coming months, both because a re-explosion of fundamentalism is possible, and because phenomena of this type increase the risk of immigration. At this moment the risk is that there is not always an immigration of poverty but also of subjects who come to do harm. So we need to increase control even more because we can't afford now to let people in who would come to fight us." So the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto on the sidelines of the commemorations for the eightieth anniversary of the massacre of Kefalonia, which took place in Greece.

The minister also said he plans to cancel the Armed Forces holiday on November 4. "I'm thinking of canceling it, of not doing it this year - he added - because I don't think it's right to increase a risk factor, it's not a normal event. Why do I have to risk giving a stage to a madman or a series of crazy people who want to do something meaningful? I have an obligation to think the worst."

"It is useless to remember if it does not allow us to learn - he told Crosetto -: it means understanding from history how to behave on what happens today. History teaches us that even in war human rules can be respected or not, that when the enemy surrenders he is respected and not killed, that women, children, hospitals and the civilian community must be kept out. Against terrorism we respond all together without reflecting for a second and we do so by remembering that there are values even in war, even against enemies".

"I address the Italian community: the war in Ukraine had already worsened the climate in the world and the wound that has now opened on the Middle East can only aggravate this situation. The consequences of wars that seem distant to us will eventually reach the whole world and we must prepare ourselves because at such a time we must not divide ourselves, because if reason does not prevail they will be difficult moments that can cause injuries and spread the fire far beyond the Gaza Strip. Let us prepare to help the weakest part of the country that remains most affected by these shocks".

"Today we will probably return" the contingent of carabinieri who are in Jericho, announced the Minister of Defense, during an interview at the Festa del Foglio.

"Last night the situation was calm, today it is no longer - he underlined -. We are evaluating and they should come back today. It's 22 carabinieri."

To learn more Agenzia ANSA Piantedosi: 'Complicated months await us, high attention' - News - The minister: 'There is no evidence on the concrete risk of terrorism' (ANSA)

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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