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Auvers-sur-Oise, Van Gogh's one-way ticket


Highlights: The paradise of the Impressionists, which was Van Gogh's tomb, celebrates him with three exhibitions. From the sources of his inspiration to his posthumous memory. This article is excerpted from the Figaro Special Edition "Van Gogh, the Farewell Symphony" The special issue traces the life and work of the artist, from his Dutch youth to his tragic end in Auvers-sur-Oise. The Daubigny Museum brings together some fifty works by French painters he admired, as many stars...

DECRYPTION - The paradise of the Impressionists, which was Van Gogh's tomb, celebrates him with three exhibitions, from the sources of his inspiration to his posthumous memory.

This article is excerpted from the Figaro Special Edition "Van Gogh, the Farewell Symphony", a special issue published on the occasion of the Musée d'Orsay's exhibition "Van Gogh, the Last Days", which traces the life and work of the artist, from his Dutch youth to his tragic end in Auvers-sur-Oise.

Van Gogh, The Farewell Symphony. Le Figaro Special Issue.

He thought he had found his home base. After the blaze of the colours of the South and the violence of the Arlesian sun, Vincent had seen a refuge in this charming village with its green hills, bathed in a milder light than that of the South. Before him, the painter Daubigny had attracted in his wake an artistic bohemia that would make it one of the favorite places of the Impressionists. For two months, Vincent would paint like a madman, to oppose the lightning rod of work to the malaise that was going to overwhelm him...

Auvers-sur-Oise pays tribute to him in three stages: first, at the Daubigny Museum, which brings together some fifty works by French painters he admired, as many stars...

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Source: lefigaro

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