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Between Van Gogh and Millet, the song of the earth


Highlights: Between Van Gogh and Millet, the song of the earth. With his Angelus and his scenes of peasant life, Millet the agnostic became a spiritual father for van Gogh the mystic. This article is excerpted from the Figaro Special Edition "Van Gogh, the Farewell Symphony", a special issue published on the occasion of the Musée d'Orsay's exhibition "Van GOgh, The Last Days" It traces the life and work of the artist from his Dutch youth to his tragic end in Auvers-sur-Oise.

With his Angelus and his scenes of peasant life, Millet the agnostic became a spiritual father for Van Gogh the mystic, who obeyed "something up there" in his celebration of the seasons and his communion with nature.

This article is excerpted from the Figaro Special Edition "Van Gogh, the Farewell Symphony", a special issue published on the occasion of the Musée d'Orsay's exhibition "Van Gogh, the Last Days", which traces the life and work of the artist, from his Dutch youth to his tragic end in Auvers-sur-Oise.

Van Gogh, The Farewell Symphony. Le Figaro Special Edition

In the 1880s, Jean-François Millet was considered a major artist, an almost mythical figure for the new generation and critics. Died in 1875 at the age of sixty, the "peasant painter" was then the object of real veneration, from the upholders of tradition as well as those of the avant-garde. Foremost among them was Vincent Van Gogh who, in 1884, wrote to his brother Theo that he was "the essentially modern painter who has opened the horizon to many artists". For the Dutchman, Millet was the "eternal master". Regardless of his undeniable aura, how could the painter of The Angelus have exerted such an influence on a...

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Source: lefigaro

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