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Bonomi: 'Reasonable maneuver but structural measures needed' - News


Highlights: Bonomi: 'Reasonable maneuver but structural measures needed' 'Attacking public spending, growth is needed to reassure the markets' "We have more than 1,100 billion in public spending: I believe that 4-5% can be reconfigured. I will not enter into the single chapter, but we all know what is the waste and inefficiency of public administration", says the leader of the industrialists of public spending to be 'attacked' "I come, ten days ago, from a trilateral meeting with French and Germans, my counterparts, in Berlin"

'Attacking public spending, growth is needed to reassure the markets' (ANSA)

"It is a maneuver that has shown reasonableness. So obviously this is a point of merit", says the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, who from the conference of Young Entrepreneurs warns: "It is a maneuver, however, that contains many economic interventions even if interventions that we hoped for", such as "the reconfirmation of the contribution cut of the tax wedge which, however, is still cyclical". "It is obvious - he underlines - that if we want to make structural interventions we must attack public spending" or "it becomes difficult to find resources to make structural interventions that aim at growth, the way to reassure markets".

"We have more than 1,100 billion in public spending: I believe that 4-5% can be reconfigured. I will not enter into the single chapter, but we all know what is the waste and inefficiency of public administration", says the leader of the industrialists of public spending to be 'attacked'. "Find 4-5% of 1100 billion... You see what we're talking about. And there are - he adds -, numerous interventions that over the years have been prepared by the various governments that have succeeded each other and no one has checked anymore: have we used them? Didn't we use them? I am convinced and I know that there are funds not used in the belly of the ministries, because unfortunately we are a country that does not have ex post control of the measures. We do not know when we make a measure what is the expectation that we propose but we do not check if we have obtained it ". And, from the conference in Capri, he emphasizes: "So in my opinion we can work quietly to go and find useful resources to make the interventions". And more generally, answering a question on the spirit with which the two annual conferences of Young Entrepreneurs were conceived, in Capri and Rapallo, a symbol of the north-south gap to be filled, he reiterates: "we have four gaps to face: gender, generational, territory, skills. It is the great challenge that this country has, it must meet these needs".

"I come, ten days ago, from a trilateral meeting with French and Germans, my counterparts, in Berlin. France and Germany have also revised their growth estimates, Germany even negative. If we look at the Italy-Germany differential it is 16 points. We would have signed for one point more than Germany. So it is a sign that the country has a structurally strong economy. It's obvious that we have to put, let's say so, the fuel to make him run". The president of Confindustria thus responds - from the conference of Young Entrepreneurs in Capri - to a question on the growth estimates revised by Bankitalia.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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