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Casualties in night raids in Gaza Hezbollah bombed in Lebanon - News


Highlights: Israel's ultimatum that bombs Hezbollah positions in Lebanon has expired. Air raids and non-stop Israeli incursions into the Gaza Strip continue. Calls to revoke the order to evacuate more than a million people from Gaza City to the south issued by Israel. The Palestinian media speak of "many victims" suggesting a further escalation of the conflict. The toll of Israeli bombings in the Strip has risen to 1,799 Palestinian victims and 6,388 wounded. The UN urges the contenders to respect the rules and not to use civilians as shields.

The Palestinian media speak of "many victims". Israel's ultimatum that bombs Hezbollah positions in Lebanon has expired (ANSA)

Air raids and non-stop Israeli incursions into the Gaza Strip overnight with "numerous casualties" reported by the Palestinian media in the West Bank, and calls to revoke the order to evacuate more than a million people from Gaza City to the south issued yesterday by Israel, so far unheeded. The Palestinian media speak of "many victims" suggesting a further escalation of the conflict.

The Israeli Army (IDF) is bombing Hezbollah positions in Lebanon after the downing of two unidentified aircraft over Haifa from the Land of the Cedars. Hareetz reports. Meanwhile, the bombing of the Gaza Strip continues, as shown by live TV. The army announced that it had foiled an attempt by a terrorist cell from Lebanon to infiltrate Israeli territory. "A drone - explained the spokesman - hit and killed terrorists". The media speak of four killed.

Last night the Israeli army conducted "large-scale" attacks on Hamas targets in the Strip. This was announced by the military spokesman, explaining that "numerous operatives" of the elite Hamas unit, 'Nukhba', were killed. Among the Hamas leaders also hit was the head of the Gaza air system, Merad Abu Merad, held responsible "for directing the terrorists during last Saturday's massacre."

Since the beginning of hostilities, 1,900 people have died in Gaza from Israeli attacks. This was announced by the Hamas Ministry of Health, specifying that only yesterday there were 256 dead (including 20 minors) and 1,788 wounded. Some 423,<> Palestinians have fled their homes in Gaza, even before Israel's order to leave the northern part of the Strip. This was announced by the UN, taken up by the Israeli media.

More than 230 Hamas operatives arrested in different locations in the West Bank since the start of Operation Iron Swords. This is reported by the Israeli media. Among those arrested, adds the Jerusalem Post, there are also two leading members of the terrorist organization, Sheikh Adnan Asfour and Ahmed Awad, captured in Nablus.

Israel's evacuation plan is "absolutely impossible to implement" for EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell because "imagining being able to move a million people in 24 hours in a situation like that of Gaza can only be a humanitarian crisis," Borrell added. It's a scenario to be avoided."

Tens of thousands of people in Gaza are believed to have fled their homes and moved south following Israel's evacuation notice, according to the latest estimates from the UN humanitarian office Ocha. Before the evacuation order, more than 400,000 Palestinians were already internally displaced.

To deepen ANSA Raid Agency in Gaza, Netanyahu warns: "It is only the beginning." Hamas releases a video with children held hostage - News - Families fleeing, the UN calls for the evacuation order to be lifted. Israel favors safe areas for civilians in Gaza. Bombs on the Strip, Hamas attacks Ben Gurion airport. Amnesty: 'Israeli forces equipped with white phosphorus'. The toll of Israeli bombings in the Strip has risen to 1,799 Palestinian victims and 6,388 wounded (ANSA)

The UN urges the contenders to respect the rules and not to use civilians as shields. Meanwhile, the search for hostages in the hands of Hamas continues. President Joe Biden says the U.S. is "working like a damn" to bring Americans missing from Israel back to the United States.

A new appeal to Israel to lift the evacuation order from northern Gaza has been issued by 12 international NGOs, including Oxfam.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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