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Crosetto, in war hospitals and civilians must be kept out - Last hour


Highlights: Crosetto, in war hospitals and civilians must be kept out - Last hour. "It is useless to remember if it does not allow us to learn: it means understanding from history how to behave about what is happening today" "There are values even in war, even against enemies", says the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto in Kefalonia for the anniversary of the massacre of the Italians. "Against terrorism we respond all together without reflecting for a second and we do so by remembering that there are values in war," he adds.

"It is useless to remember if it does not allow us to learn: it means understanding from history how to behave about what is happening today. (ANSA)

"There is no point in remembering if it does not allow us to learn: it means understanding from history how to behave about what is happening today. History teaches us that even in war human rules can be respected or not, that when the enemy surrenders he is respected and not killed, that women, children, hospitals and the civilian community must be kept out. Against terrorism we respond all together without reflecting for a second and we do so by remembering that there are values even in war, even against enemies".
So the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto in Kefalonia for the anniversary of the massacre of the Italians.

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Source: ansa

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