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Dog wants to go out in the rain and immediately regrets it: "Saw what I need to see"


Highlights: Dog wants to go out in the rain and immediately regrets it: "Saw what I need to see".. Status: 14.10.2023, 12:00 p.m. (GMT)'s free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here. You can find even more exciting animal topics in’s free partner newsletters, which are delivered to your inbox every day. You will find stories about cats, dogs, goats, birds and more on the site.

Status: 14.10.2023, 12:00 p.m.

By: Sandra Barbara Furtner


Dogs are usually always available for a walk. But there's one thing that makes some pinch: rain. A dog notices this when it is almost too late.

As a dog owner, you sometimes get into hilarious situations that make you giggle. Some four-legged friends have peculiarities that you get to know and love in the course of living together. One of them can be, for example, that the four-legged friend does not want to be outside when it rains. He would much rather deny himself his business and wait. This was also the experience of a dog named Willow. At first, he really wanted to go outside and literally begs his owner to open the door to the garden. But then he realizes his mistake.

This is shown in a video that his owner uploaded to TikTok at @kairoandwillow. While his buddy Husky Cairo happily storms outside and seems completely unimpressed by the cool water, Willow turns around without further ado and simply doesn't want to go for a walk anymore.

Dog thinks rain is stupid and just turns around again

"I always tell him (Willow) he doesn't want to go out because it's raining, but he ignores me and insists on letting him out." And so the four-legged friend runs outside again and again, only to find out without further ado that rain does not suit him at all.

But why do some dogs not want to go outside when it rains?

Depending on the breed of dog, a four-legged friend may simply not want to go outside when it rains. (Symbolic image) © Zoonar/Imago

As a rule, dogs don't mind much if it rains outside. But there are some four-legged friends who almost refuse to leave the house. Mostly breeds with little or hardly any undercoat and therefore freeze easily. A suitable raincoat can help here.

You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.


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TikTok users are having fun and joking along

  • "The husky doesn't care at all." 😂😂
  • "The second he got hit, he tried to dismiss it, but he was desperate to get back in."
  • "He knew right away that he should have listened."
  • "I've seen everything I need to see". 😂
  • "And what do we learn from this"? 😂😂😂

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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