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Drying walnuts properly: Five mistakes you shouldn't make under any circumstances


Highlights: Drying walnuts is a crucial step in extending their shelf life and ensuring that they retain their flavor and texture. A nut harvested too early or even cut from the tree contains many tannic acids, which taste bitter and can lead to gastrointestinal complaints. Moisture in the nuts can cause mold growth and affect the taste. A common mistake is to dry the walnuts too quickly, for example in a hot oven, microwave, tumble dryer, over the heater or in the sun. The drying time depends on various factors, including humidity and temperature.

Status: 14.10.2023, 19:15 PM

By: Ines Alms


Can you wash walnuts before drying? Which method makes sense? Drying self-harvested walnuts is not difficult – if you avoid typical mistakes.

In the oven, tumble dryer or microwave – there are many theories about the best way to dry walnuts. Which methods are right, whether you can eat the nuts fresh and how long you have to dry them at all plays a big role. Walnuts are not only delicious, but also healthy. However, self-harvested walnuts can quickly lose quality, become inedible, or moldy if not dried properly. Here you can find out which five mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

Mistake 1: Eat walnuts fresh and don't dry them at all

After harvesting, the cleaned walnuts should be dried in an airy place next to each other. © agefotostock/Imago

The question often arises as to whether you can eat completely fresh walnuts. This is not advisable. Drying walnuts is a crucial step in extending their shelf life and ensuring that they retain their flavor and texture. Moisture in the nuts can cause mold growth and affect the taste. A nut harvested too early or even cut from the tree contains many tannic acids, which taste bitter and can lead to gastrointestinal complaints.

Mistake 2: Washing the nuts before drying

Before drying your walnuts, you should completely clean them of the thick-fleshed green-brown shell, dirt, leaves, and other contaminants. Otherwise, these residues can hinder the drying processes and affect the quality of the nuts. The nuts must look very clean, undamaged and impeccable, otherwise they will be sorted out.

All you have to do is use your fingers or a brush to clean. If you wash the nuts, it can cause water to get into grooves or even into the inside of the shell, despite careful drying, and the nut can mold from the inside. In the case of heavily soiled nuts, a short wash is possible if necessary, but otherwise it would be a pity for the harvest and the effort.

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Mistake 3: Drying without hand protection

The tannic acids in the shell of the walnuts leave unsightly, stubborn stains. Therefore, it is best to wear gloves and old clothing or protective clothing when doing manual work.


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Mistake 4: Drying walnuts in the oven or microwave

A common mistake is to dry the walnuts too quickly, for example in a hot oven, microwave, tumble dryer, over the heater or in the sun. A temperature above about 25 degrees Celsius causes the oil in the nuts to go rancid and their shell layer to shrink too quickly, while the inner layer still contains moisture. The result is shriveled or bitter nuts.

It is best to dry the walnuts airy and dry in the attic, in the boiler room or in a room that is not too warm at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. To do this, you can spread them out on several layers of newspaper or cloths or place them in a fruit crate – next to each other, not on top of each other.

The drying time depends on various factors, including humidity and temperature. It usually takes about two to four, sometimes six weeks to dry walnuts naturally. If the nutshell cracks when opened and the kernel is no longer flexible, the nut is ready.

Mistake 5: Lack of regular check-ups

Drying walnuts requires patience. A common mistake is to lose sight of the nuts. Check progress regularly and remove nuts that are already dry to ensure even drying. At least every two days, preferably (several times) a day, you should shake or turn the nuts.

This article was created with the help of machine support and carefully reviewed by editor Ines Alms before publication.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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