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He kills his ex-wife and then asks his daughter to call 112 - Last hour


Highlights: He kills his ex-wife and then asks his daughter to call 112 - last hour. A 53-year-old woman was stabbed to death around 3 a.m. by her husband from whom she was separating. Franco Panariello, 55, a metalworker, defended by lawyer Ruggero Benvenuto, was arrested for multi-aggravated voluntary homicide. Premeditation is also evaluated, because he would have brought the knife with him to the house. The couple is originally from Torre del Greco and has two other adult children who live elsewhere.

A 53-year-old woman was stabbed to death around 3 a.m. by her husband from whom she was separating, at his home in Cerreto d'Esi (Ancona). (ANSA)

A 53-year-old woman was stabbed to death around 3 a.m. by her husband from whom she was separating, in his home in Cerreto d'Esi (Ancona). At home at the time of the fact there was a daughter of the couple, a minor, to whom the man would have told to call icarabinieri. When the military arrived, he showed where he had thrown the murder weapon, a kitchen knife.
The man, Franco Panariello, 55, a metalworker, defended by lawyer Ruggero Benvenuto, was arrested for multi-aggravated voluntary homicide. Premeditation is also evaluated, because he would have brought the knife with him.
For months he had been separated from his wife, Concetta Marruocco, 53, a nurse: she lived in Cerreto d'Esi, in the center, he in Cancelli di Fabriano. The couple is originally from Torre del Greco and has two other adult children who live elsewhere. Last night Panariello would have gone to the emergency room for an illness. After being discharged, he returned home, from where he went out again to his wife's house, for clarification.
He would have entered with a bunch of keys left in his possession, around 3 in the morning, and would have attacked his wife.
First there was an argument, then he stabbed her several times with a knife, slashing her about 15 slashes, waking up her daughter who was sleeping in another room. In the barracks of the deicarabinieri of Cerreto d'Esi also arrived the prosecutor Paolo Gubinelli, of the Ancona Public Prosecutor's Office.

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Source: ansa

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