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Israeli army prepares 'Significant ground operation' - News


Highlights: Israeli army prepares 'Significant ground operation' - News. Netanyahu visits the sites of the Hamas massacre. To the soldiers: 'Be ready for what is about to happen' Israeli army: 'Killed Ali Qadi, one of Hamas leaders who led Saturday's attack' Two safe corridors from Gaza are open. There are 2,215 dead in the Strip, according to Palestinian sources (ANSA). Key points: Army: preparations for a significant ground operation. Al Qaeda's call for Jihad: 'Muslims mobilize'

Netanyahu visits the sites of the Hamas massacre. To the soldiers: 'Be ready for what is about to happen.' Israeli army: 'Killed Ali Qadi, one of the Hamas leaders who led Saturday's attack'. Two safe corridors from Gaza are open. There are 2,215 dead in the Strip, according to Palestinian sources (ANSA)

Key points

  • 18:29 Army: preparations for a significant ground operation
  • 18:17 Netanyahu to soldiers: 'prepare for what's to come'
  • 18:09 Hamas leader: Gaza residents will not leave the Strip
  • 18:06 Al Qaeda calls for Jihad: 'Muslims mobilize'
  • 17:47 Army: Large-scale attack on Hamas targets in Gaza
  • 16:45 Netanyahu's visit 'to the places of the massacre'
  • 16:12 Hamas chief at UN: 'From Israel 'war crimes'"
  • 14:49 Shifa Hospital Surgeon: 'Collapse, epidemic risk'
  • 14:42 Hamas: 'Nine hostages killed by raids on Gaza in 24 hours'
  • 13:45 Beirut denounces Israel to the UN for killing a journalist
  • 13:17 MSF, doctors and patients Al Awda hospital have moved
  • 12:47 Egypt and the United States have agreed to the exit of the Americans from Gaza
  • 12:30 Pope calls Gaza parish: 'I am doing what I can'
  • 12:17 Army, Beirut responsible for attacks from Lebanon
  • 11:56 Gaza Health: '2,215 dead from Israeli attacks'
  • 11:52 Army: 'Ali Qadi, Hamas leader who led the October 7 attack, killed'
  • 11:12 Army accuses Hamas, 'obstructs evacuation from Gaza'
  • 10:11 Rocket fire resumed from Gaza into southern Israel
  • 13:14 THE PODCAST: The word of the week is 'terror'
  • 09:00 Israel offers 2 safe evacuation routes from northern Gaza
  • 08:03 Army, foiled infiltration of terrorists from Lebanon
  • 09:25 Army, large-scale attacks on Hamas in Gaza
  • 07:34 UN, 423,<> Palestinians have fled their homes in Gaza
  • 15:21 The film of the Israeli-Palestinian escalation - Seventh day


Army: preparations for a significant ground operation

The Israeli military has announced that it is completing preparations for "a significant ground operation" in Gaza. The army also said it was ready to "expand the offensive" through a "wide range of operational plans" that include attacks from air, sea and land.


Netanyahu to soldiers: 'prepare for what will happen'

"Prepare for what is about to happen." This was stated by Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu on a visit to the sites of the Hamas massacre near the Gaza Strip.


Hamas leader: Gaza residents will not leave the Strip

"Gaza's residents are deeply rooted in their territory and will never leave. We have only one way which is the right of return to our lands throughout Palestine." Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh said there would be "no immigration from Gaza to Egypt. I thank Cairo for preventing it. Our decision is to stay in Gaza."


Al Qaeda's call for Jihad: 'Muslims mobilize'

A call for Jihad has been spread by Al Qaeda on its Telegram channels for Muslims to mobilize around the world to strike Israeli and American targets. To report the appeal are the US intelligence services in the reports sent to the allies. In particular, according to what is learned, the messages would invite Muslims to hit citizens of Jewish religion as well as military bases, embassies and US airports in Muslim countries, from the United Arab Emirates to Morocco, from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain. Other countries offering support to Israel are also indicated as possible targets.


Army: Large-scale attack on Hamas targets in Gaza

The Israeli military is currently conducting "a large-scale attack" on Hamas terror targets in the Strip. This was announced by the military spokesman.


Netanyahu's visit to the places of the massacre

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu visited the kibbutzim of Beeri and Kfar Aza, in the area of Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip. "There he passed through the ruins of the houses where the terrible massacre took place". This was announced in an official statement issued after the premier had left the area. Netanyahu met with fighters on the ground, including the commander of the paratroopers brigade. Those villages are now deserted because the inhabitants have been evacuated to safe locations.


Hamas leader at UN: 'From Israel 'war crimes'"

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh - who is usually in Qatar - wrote a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres accusing Israel of "war crimes". The letter - posted on the faction's website and picked up by the media - also accuses Israel of preventing humanitarian aid from entering the Strip.


Shifa Hospital Surgeon: 'Collapsing, epidemic risk'

"Shifa hospital is full of displaced families. There are people sleeping on the floors, everywhere, even inside the hospital. Crowding will lead to an epidemic, the spread of infectious diseases. Doctors took their families to hospital for safety." This is what Ghassan Abu Sitta, a reconstructive surgeon who is inside the hospital of Shifa, in Gaza, writes about X.


Hamas: 'Nine hostages killed by Gaza raids in 24 hours'

Hamas' military wing reported that 9 hostages kidnapped in Israel, including 4 foreigners, were killed in Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours. Haaretz reports.


Beirut denounces Israel at UN for killing journalist

Lebanon is preparing to file a complaint with the UN Security Council for "Israel's intentional killing of Lebanese journalist Issam Abdallah" and other wounded journalists, the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. In a statement released by the Lebanese government news agency, the foreign ministry denounces "a blatant aggression, a crime against freedom of expression, journalism and human rights" and "blames Israel for the current escalation" in southern Lebanon.


MSF, doctors and patients Al Awda hospital have moved

"At the time of writing, Al Awda Hospital is still standing. After spending part of the night in the street, with bombs falling in the immediate vicinity, we understand that part of the medical staff and all the patients were able to move". So on X Doctors Without Borders.


Egypt and the United States have agreed to the exit of the Americans from Gaza

Egypt and the United States have agreed to allow Americans and Palestinians with American citizenship in Gaza to exit through the Rafah crossing. This was stated by an Egyptian source quoted by the media. According to media reports, Israel has agreed to refrain from actions on the crossing so that it remains open until 17 p.m. Qatar, again according to media reports, involved in the negotiations, along with Egypt and the United States, has received the green light from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


Pope calls Gaza parish: 'I'm doing what I can'

Pope Francis called the parish of Gaza again last night, assuring that he is doing everything possible to avoid further bloodshed. This was reported by the parish priest of Gaza, Father Gabriel Romanelli (who is in Bethlehem because he was unable to return to Gaza after the outbreak of the war), to the correspondent of Tv2000 in Jerusalem. The Pope, after several attempts, managed to speak with the assistant parish priest who is in Gaza, Father Youssef, asked how they were doing, asked about the many children, Christians and Muslims, assisted by the Sisters of Mother Teresa, and assured that he is doing everything he can for this situation.


Army, Beirut responsible for attacks from Lebanon

"Israel holds the Lebanese government responsible for any attack originating from its territory on our sovereign territory," Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee wrote on X in Arabic after two days of repeated border incidents. "Anyone who tries to cross the border will be killed," he added.


Gaza Health: '2,215 dead from Israeli attacks'

The death toll in Gaza from Israeli attacks on the Strip has reached 2,215. This was reported by the local health ministry, quoted by the media.


Army: 'Ali Qadi, Hamas leader who led the October 7 attack, killed'

The army said it had killed Ali Qadi, a company commander of Hamas' elite unit 'Nukheba' which led "the terrorist attack on Israeli communities near the Strip last Saturday." "In 2005, Qadi was captured for killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians and then released in the prisoner exchange for soldier Gilad Shalit."


Army accuses Hamas, 'obstructs evacuation from Gaza'

"Hamas is obstructing those from northern Gaza who are trying to move south," he said in a conference with Israeli military spokesman Richard Hecht. He reiterated that for security reasons, also in view of the upcoming operations on the ground, they "must pass south" of Wadi Gaza, in the center of the Strip. Asked if there is a time limit for them, he replied: "We understand that it takes time, we understand that it is complex. But we are determined to fight Hamas." Israel has indicated two itineraries that will be protected between 10 a.m. and 16 p.m. local time.


Rocket fire resumed from Gaza over southern Israel

Rocket fire from Gaza over southern Israel resumed after a pause of about 10 hours. The army said this explaining that for now to be under fire are the Israeli communities close to the Strip. According to the army yesterday only on Ashkelon, a coastal city in the south of the country, Hamas launched more than 150 rockets.


THE PODCAST: The word of the week is 'terror'


Israel offers 2 safe evacuation routes from northern Gaza

The Israeli army offered a new opportunity for Palestinians to abandon the northern Gaza Strip and take cover beyond Wadi Gaza, south of Gaza City. This morning, the Israeli military spokesman released a map that shows them two routes through which they can pass unscathed, between 10:00 and 16:00 local time, from Beit Hanun, north of Gaza, to Khan Yunes, in the central area. "If you take care of yourself and your loved ones - says the spokesman - reach the South according to the instructions. Rest assured that Hamas leaders have already provided for themselves and are safe from attacks."


Army, foiled infiltration of terrorists from Lebanon

The army announced that it had foiled an attempt by a terrorist cell from Lebanon to infiltrate Israeli territory. "A drone - explained the spokesman - hit and killed terrorists". The media speak of four killed.


Army, large-scale attacks on Hamas in Gaza

Last night the Israeli army conducted "large-scale" attacks on Hamas targets in the Strip. This was announced by the military spokesman, explaining that "numerous operatives" of the elite Hamas unit, 'Nukhba', were killed. Among the Hamas leaders also hit was the head of the Gaza air system, Merad Abu Merad, held responsible "for directing the terrorists during last Saturday's massacre."


UN, 423,<> Palestinians have fled their homes in Gaza

Some 423,<> Palestinians have fled their homes in Gaza, even before Israel's order to leave the northern part of the Strip. This was announced by the UN, taken up by the Israeli media.


The film of the Israeli-Palestinian escalation - Seventh day

Video The film of the Israeli-Palestinian escalation - Seventh day

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