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Malta is a formality for Italy, now head to Wembley - News


Highlights: Malta is a formality for Italy, now head to Wembley - Poker networks and Berardi show, now you need to find tranquility (ANSA). In search of the tranquility lost after the developments of the affair that involved Tonali and Zaniolo, Spalletti's Italy carries out the task that the prediction assigned to it. The European Championship in Germany is now closer, despite Ukraine's success over Macedonia, meanwhile head to England and calm, even if Fabrizio Corona has promised "big revelations"

Poker networks and Berardi show, now you need to find tranquility (ANSA)

In search of the tranquility lost after the developments of the affair that involved Tonali and Zaniolo, Spalletti's Italy carries out the task that the prediction assigned to it. Against Malta, in Bari, there was no history, the success taken for granted arrived, specifically for 4-0, and now it is already time to think about Tuesday's great challenge at Wembley against that England that still has to digest the defeat on penalties of the final of the last European Championships and therefore sees red every time it faces Italy. Moreover, already beaten in the last direct confrontation, the one that at the 'Maradona' ended 1-2 and on the Italian bench there was still Roberto Mancini, now coach already in the crosshairs of Saudi critics.

Spalletti will try to reorder ideas and study the right moves to stop the new ace Jude Bellingham, the one who scores with his tongue out, like Michael Jordan or Del Piero, and the always fearsome Harry Kane. Meanwhile, against Malta there was practically no game, because at the end of the first half Italy, pushed by the Bari public (more than 56 thousand presences) hungry for great football and therefore particularly warm, has already archived the practice of the former Bari, now coach of Malta, Michele Marcolini.

In fact, the first 45 minutes close on 2-0 for the Azzurri with the goals of those who, as already demonstrated in the championship with their respective clubs, go through a period of great form, namely Bonaventura and Berardi. The match is unlocked exactly in the middle of the first fraction thanks to Giacomo Bonaventura, the great novelty of these calls of Spalletti. At the 23 'the number 8 takes advantage of a beat and beat in the opponent's area and beats Bonello with a nice right turn. Then in the final another round conclusion, that of Domenico Berardi, in fact closes the game with a time in advance. And all this after Italy gives the impression of never pushing its foot on the accelerator, limiting itself to holding the ball in the game against rivals of a clearly lower level. Malta, in fact, net of some initial restart tries to close in its 5-3-2 with which it hopes not to disfigure. He does not succeed for 'fault' of Bonaventure and Berardi.

The latter is repeated in the 20th minute of the second half taking advantage of a nice cross from Raspadori and transforming it with relative ease. Previously, Italy had narrowly missed the goal of the 3-0 that would have been an own goal by Pepe, who then remedied, a defender native of Vico Equense, and therefore Campania, but naturalized Maltese. Immediately after the 'real' 3-0, that of Berardi, substitution for the Sassuolo star, with relative standing ovation of the public, and inside Orsolini. Barella is also out for the other Inter player Frattesi. And it is he, in the recovery, to serve the poker, driven by that strength that makes him look like a new Tardelli: in the end he confirms his nose for the goal with a left that sanctions the 4-0. The European Championship in Germany is now closer, despite Ukraine's success over Macedonia, meanwhile head to England and calm, even if Fabrizio Corona has promised new "big revelations" for Tuesday evening.

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