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Pichetto, I will ask for renewal of the price cap on gas for 1 year - News


Highlights: Pichetto, I will ask for renewal of the price cap on gas for 1 year - News. At the European Council on the Environment in Luxembourg. 'Companies will be the ones to build the nuclear power plant' (ANSA). "Tomorrow I'm going to Luxembourg for the Environment Council. In December the price Cap on gas expires, I'll ask that it be renewed for a year". This was stated by the Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto,. "I am convinced that it will not be the State that will have to install the nuclear. power plant"

At the European Council on the Environment in Luxembourg. 'Companies will be the ones to build the nuclear power plant' (ANSA)

"Tomorrow I'm going to Luxembourg for the Environment Council. In December the price cap on gas expires, I will ask that it be renewed for a year". This was stated by the Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto, at the Festa dell'Ottimismo del Foglio in Florence. "The renewal for a year of the price cap" on gas, added Pichetto on the sidelines of his speech, "means having a sword of Damocles of suspension of quotations, if someone exaggerates with profit and speculation. And it is a risk that is always there in the world market".

"I am convinced that it will not be the State that will have to install the nuclear power plant, but it will be the consortia of companies, in ten years, if there are the 350-megawatt small modular reactors, which will ask to plant that plant, with that production, which will give those determined guarantees of safety. And it will be the State that will have to check that there are safety guarantees", explained the Minister of the Environment.

"Italy is a great transforming country, the goal of decarbonization can be a brand for our country: it must be ridden" added Pichetto Fratin. "The reason to be optimistic is that we try to be as rational and realistic as possible" underlined the minister who explained that the "consequences" of climate change on economic balances "are there. Think about how much CO2 has been blown up between the Gaza Strip, Israel and what are the consequences for the energy market, the actions we need to take because the energy path is one of the main paths towards decarbonization".

"The trilogue is open in Europe with respect to the so-called green houses. I am pleased to see that the conclusion is coming where I left off a year ago. With some satisfaction, I removed my tooth," said the Minister of the Environment. On the 110% Superbonus, Pichetto added, "the position is to close the games that have reached 70-80% and close that experience. It was an important experience for a reasoning that must be done at the level of tax reform, as a country-design with respect to the objective of decarbonization of homes. We need to equip ourselves with fiscal instruments that must accompany the interventions, because a system of 31 million buildings, 21 of which millions beyond class D, alone does not get there".

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Source: ansa

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