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The rebirth of the Château de Villers-Cotterêts


Highlights: The Château de Villers-Cotterêts is now home to the Cité internationale de la langue française. A colossal project has shed light on the history of this jewel of the Renaissance. This article is excerpted from Le Figaro Histoire, "1839-1911: ChinaHumiliated". In this issue, discover the tumultuous history of China and the West, from the Opium Wars to Xi Jinping. The article is for subscribers only. You have 91% left to discover.

REPORT - Located in the heart of a rich literary territory, the castle, finally restored, is now home to the Cité internationale de la langue française. A colossal project has shed light on the history of this jewel of the Renaissance, so beloved by François I.

This article is excerpted from Le Figaro Histoire, "1839-1911: ChinaHumiliated". In this issue, discover the tumultuous history of China and the West, from the Opium Wars to Xi Jinping.

Le Figaro History "1839-1911: China humiliated" Le Figaro History

It is the oldest piece of legislation still in force in France. It requires that all administrative and legal acts be transcribed "in the native language of the French language and not otherwise". The ordinance was signed in August 1539 by King Francis I at the castle of Villers-Cotterêts.

Since 2014, the royal residence of Picardy, where this decisive step had been taken for the influence and development of the French language, had been abandoned. In 2018, President Emmanuel Macron entrusted its restoration to the Centre des Monuments Nationaux (CMN) with the project of creating an International City of the French Language. In this literary territory of very ancient fertility, this new place dedicated to French will naturally be able to shine. Several famous writers...

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Source: lefigaro

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