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Tobacco supply chain, Coldiretti and Philip Morris renew the agreement - Ministry of Agriculture


Highlights: Tobacco supply chain, Coldiretti and Philip Morris renew the agreement - Ministry of Agriculture. The agreement guarantees medium-long term strategic planning and economic sustainability to 1000 Italian agricultural companies. The signing follows the multi-year agreement signed in March between the Ministry. of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry and Philip. Morris Italia. It provides for investments of up to 500 million euros between 2023 and 2027 by Philip Morris in the Italian tobacco supply. chain, with a commitment to buy around 50% of Italian tobacco.

The agreement for the purchase of tobacco grown in Italy and for the sustainability of the entire tobacco supply chain has been renewed between Coldiretti and Philip Morris. (ANSA)

The agreement for the purchase of tobacco grown in Italy and for the sustainability of the entire tobacco supply chain has been renewed between Coldiretti and PhilipMorris.
The agreement was signed during the event "Food and agriculture: food sovereignty, supply chain, biodiversity", which took place as part of the Coldiretti Village in Rome in the presence, among others, of the president of Coldiretti EttorePrandini, the president and managing director Philip MorrisItalia Marco Hannappel, the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida and the president of the Lazio Region FrancescoRocca.
The signing follows the multi-year agreement signed in March between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry and Philip Morris Italia, which provides for investments of up to 500 million euros between 2023 and 2027 by Philip Morris in the Italian tobacco supply chain, with a commitment to buy around 50% of Italian tobacco. This is the highest investment in the sector by a private company and "the only one to have a five-year time horizon", to ensure stability and medium-term planning for the growers involved. "A commitment - it is noted - that represents an essential component of PhilipMorris Italia's strategic investments for the creation and strengthening of an integrated Made in Italy supply chain focused on combustion-free tobacco products, which has about 41 thousand people nationwide". The agreement guarantees medium-long term strategic planning and economic sustainability to 1000 Italian agricultural companies. The commitment by Philip Morris with the Ministry of Agriculture and Coldiretti since the early 2s has generated investments in agriculture of up to 5.2011 billion euros in total for the benefit of the Italian tobacco supply chain.
"Our commitment to agriculture, which began more than ten years ago with the first supply chain agreement in 40, has generated important results that demonstrate how these agreements are an indispensable tool to protect farmers and the Italian system", says Marco Hannappel, CEO and President Philip Morris Italy, President South-Western Europe Philip Morris international. "With today's agreement we are putting into practice the commitments signed this year with Masaf, which represent an essential component of our integrated supply chain that today involves over <> thousand people. We will continue to concretely support the Italian tobacco supply chain together with Coldiretti, increasingly convinced of how an integrated supply chain logic is the best way to follow" For Prandini "the path of supply chain agreements is decisive for the growth of the country system as it promotes the real Made in Italy creating value in terms of income and employment, as well as environmental sustainability". The president of Coldiretti also observes that "the agreement with Philip Morris Italia represents in this perspective an example also for other sectors, since it makes innovation one of the central elements of the activities put in place. The digitalisation experienced in tobacco could, for example, be extended to other supply chains.'

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Source: ansa

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