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When they see their owners again: Dogs can cry with joy


Highlights: When they see their owners again: Dogs can cry with joy. When the four-legged friends were given oxytocin, their tear volume also increased significantly. This shows that there is a clear connection between hormone and tear production in dogs. Just like humans, the dogs cry when they are overwhelmed by strong feelings of happiness. They are also prone to tears when faced with negative emotions. Tears can also have health causes, such as blocked tear ducts. If your dog sheds more tears, it may be because it has reddened eyes or conjunctivitis.

Status: 14.10.2023, 07:59 a.m.


Does your dog often greet you with shining eyes after a long absence? This is a clear sign that he is shedding tears from the joy of seeing each other again. A study proves this connection.

Dogs are man's best friend: the faithful four-legged friends would prefer not to leave our side at all and would like to spend every free minute of the day with us. Of course, this is not possible in everyday life because of work and other obligations. Most dogs express their joy of reunion by happily jumping at their owners or wagging their tails happily. But some furry noses react even more emotionally: A Japanese research team has found that dogs can actually cry with joy.

Tears of Joy: This Is How Emotional Dogs Can Be

We humans cry when we are moved by strong emotions. In addition to sadness or sadness, these can also be anger, joy, emotion or disappointment. But pain and stress can also bring tears to our eyes. The reason for this is that there is extra tear fluid in the eye, which the body flushes out. If this mechanism did not exist, then the proteins that are produced in excess due to our body's emotional state of emergency could make us sick.

Surprisingly, dogs are very similar to us in this respect. Researchers from Japan have conducted the world's first independent study on the subject, according to the journal Current Biology. It turned out that the tear fluid in dogs increased measurably after they saw their owners again. This circumstance proves how deep the bond between animal and owner really is.

Dogs can also be moved by strong emotions. © Pond5 Images/Imago

This is how the Japanese study went

Professor Takefumi Kikusui from Azabu University in Sagamihara, along with seven other researchers, conducted experiments to better understand the emotional behaviour of dogs. The focus was on the question of whether dogs can develop an increased flow of tears due to emotional emotions.

The professor had come up with the idea after his own dog had given birth to cubs. While suckling the puppies, the dog lady had tears in her eyes. "This gave me the idea that oxytocin could increase tear fluid," the scientist said in a statement. Oxytocin is also known as the "cuddle hormone" because it is released during physical contact and provides feelings of happiness, among other things.

Together with his team, Kikusui then examined the amount of tears in dogs in various situations. In the beginning, the four-legged friends were at home with their owner as normal: Here the value was within the normal range. Subsequently, the dogs were separated from their owners and remained in a dog daycare center. After five to seven hours, there was a big reunion between dog and owner. Interestingly, the value changed drastically: In the first five minutes of the encounter, a significantly higher amount of tear fluid was measured.


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The researchers confirmed their hypothesis with another experiment: In this situation, the dogs were not picked up by the owner, but only by people they knew. The tear value did not exceed the normal range.

Oxytocin: The cuddle hormone can cause tears in dogs

Subsequently, the scientists investigated the role oxytocin plays in tear formation. To do this, they gave the dogs a solution with and without the bonding hormone. When the four-legged friends were given oxytocin, their tear volume also increased significantly. This shows that there is also a clear connection between the hormone and tear production in dogs. Just like humans, the four-legged friends cry when they are overwhelmed by strong feelings of happiness. Whether they are also prone to tears when faced with negative emotions is not yet known.

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Caution: Tears can also have health causes

As touching as it is that dogs can shed tears of joy, sometimes serious health problems are behind the increased lacrimation. If your four-legged friend sheds more tears or has reddened eyes, conjunctivitis could be the reason. Other possible causes include allergies, bacterial or viral infections, and mechanical irritation. In addition, the tear duct may be blocked, which means that the tear fluid can no longer drain undisturbed. So, if in doubt, go to a veterinarian to have your Bello examined.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-14

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