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Why Jean-Claude Gandur chose France to house his collection


Highlights: Why Jean-Claude Gandur chose France to house his collection. After planning to exhibit his collection in Geneva, the Swiss billionaire turned his attention to Caen, Strasbourg and Bordeaux. The selected city will be announced in 2024. On October 12, the day after a vernissage at the Institut de France where he exhibits painters from the Academy of Fine Arts, the billionaire confided exclusively in Le Figaro. Depending on the final discussions, the selected city could be announced by the end of March at the latest.

INTERVIEW - After planning to exhibit his collection in Geneva, the Swiss billionaire turned his attention to Caen, Strasbourg and Bordeaux. The selected city will be announced in 2024.

The cities of Caen, Strasbourg and Bordeaux are in negotiations to host the foundation of the Swiss collector Jean-Claude Gandur. It will be decided at the beginning of December. On October 12, the day after a vernissage at the Institut de France where he exhibits painters from the Academy of Fine Arts, the billionaire confided exclusively in Le Figaro.

LE FIGARO. - What is the status of the process of choosing between Caen, Strasbourg and Bordeaux to set up your foundation's museum?

Jean-Claude GANDUR. - Each city will receive a final two-page questionnaire to return to me at the end of November. At the beginning of December, I met with my council. We will make the plus and minus columns for each city. At the beginning of January, I will personally go and see the teams that have not been selected. They did a colossal amount of work, answering an initial 400-page questionnaire. I want to be polite and thank them. Depending on the final discussions, the selected city will be announced by the end of March at the latest.

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Source: lefigaro

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