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Here's how to keep the kids busy at home during your recovery - voila! health


Highlights: Here's how to keep the kids busy at home during your recovery - voila! health. How to survive long days at home without a kindergarten, how to prepare yourself for a long stay with your children, and why you shouldn't radiate stress and anxiety – the complete guide for brave parents in the security situation. One way to spend your and your children's time having fun is to prepare a kind of activity bank/ShutterStock for them. Remember that this is a difficult but temporary time, and just like the year of Corona (with a thousand thousand differences) - this too will pass.

How to survive long days at home without a kindergarten, how to prepare yourself for a long stay with your children, and why you shouldn't radiate stress and anxiety – the complete guide for brave parents in the security situation

One way to spend your and your children's time having fun is to prepare a kind of activity bank/ShutterStock for them

Remember that this is a difficult but temporary time, and just like the year of Corona (with a thousand thousand differences) - this too will pass

The past few days have not been easy for anyone who lives within range of the rockets fired from Gaza. The frequent sirens force many residents of the country to be close to or in a protected area most of the day, and of course there are no frameworks for children and no one knows when it will end. In the meantime, you are forced to spend long days at home and as mothers face a twofold challenge: how to keep your children busy so that they (and you) maintain sanity and how to keep them calm and calm despite everything.

So how should you behave? What should you say to yourself so that you can allow your family to get through the long stay together as pleasantly as possible? Here are some tips that appeal to both the emotional and practical levels, and they were written with great love and total understanding of you as a mother.

First of all, breathe deeply

It could be that once it all started, your eyes darkened. The coronavirus lockdowns have just ended, and now – war? After all, this means that from now on you again have to function as a team for entertainment, catering, anesthesia, replacement and any other daily need of your baby. We suggest that you take a deep breath and see through the fear and difficulty the optimistic angle of changing the routine that has been forced upon you: you have more time to spend with your baby. It is true that the very "assumption" and the complexity of it can be disturbing, but it is important to understand in any case that this is a temporary period, that everything will end and pass, and it is worthwhile to make the best use of this time.

Prepare enrichment and leisure
One way to spend your and your children's time having fun is to prepare a kind of bank of activities for them that you can do together at home and in the protected space in particular. Reading stories, time, activities adapted to the developmental stage (practicing turnovers, for example), creative activities, preparing food together and more. You can build a real schedule for yourself and work according to it, and decide, for example, that after breakfast there will be play time, and after noon you will make a video call with your grandparents.

Make a division with your partner as much as possible

In order to maintain sanity, recharge with energy and also to diversify a little for the baby, arrange regular times for him and Dad. If you both physically go to work, make a division with your partner and decide that there are days he stays home and some days you do. If you are both at home, you can define certain hours that you are "on duty" and hours that are, and of course you should also dedicate time together in which you are all together. If this time is simply forced on you in advance (alerts and alarms), use the moments for family bonding, hugs and touch.

Don't project panic to children

This situation where we don't know what the day will bring, and when it will all end, can be difficult for you. Between us, even being confined at home for an unknown time can be worrying and of course existential anxiety - no less. But... It's important not to project it out, and certainly not to make children feel like they're a nuisance to you as a result of having to manipulate them throughout the day. If you are scared or difficult and the children are old enough to understand - share with them but remember to instill confidence in them at the same time. Try not to get sucked into watching the news constantly and keep your smile and mood even when it's difficult. You'd be surprised how well it will do you too.

It's true that these are not easy days, but as we wrote above, it's time to take a deep breath. Remember that this is a difficult but temporary period, and just like the year of COVID-19 (with a thousand thousand differences) - this too will pass. Be strong!

In order to maintain sanity, recharge and also to diversify Baby a bit, arrange regular schedules for him and Dad

The Jama app was established in order to provide a solution for mothers of babies between birth and age three, and to gather content, activities, tips from experts and videos that will accompany them throughout this challenging period. All the content in the app "grows" together with the baby and is precisely adapted to his developmental stages, so that mothers receive only what is relevant to them and interests them at any given moment.

The Jama app is the place for mothers in Israel to meet and meet other mothers around them, and create new and exciting friendships on this fascinating journey.

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Daniel Sarantzky, in association with JAMA

  • More on the subject:
  • Children
  • Parents

Source: walla

All life articles on 2023-10-15

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