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The diary of the day - News


Highlights: The diary of the day - News. Netanyahu: 'We will break Hamas'. Israel prohibits the entry of civilians to the border with Lebanon. New corridor, the army will attack after the exodus. Biden: 'It's time for everyone to unequivocally condemn Hamas' China sides with the Palestinians and Islamic countries. Iran: 'No one can guarantee control of the situation' The UN: 'One million displaced people in the Gaza Strip' Israel: 'The Vatican must clearly condemn Hamas', 'Vatican must condemn Hamas in a clear way'

Netanyahu: 'We will break Hamas'. Israel prohibits the entry of civilians to the border with Lebanon. New corridor, the army will attack after the exodus. Biden: 'It's time for everyone to unequivocally condemn Hamas'. China sides with the Palestinians and Islamic countries. Iran: 'No one can guarantee control of the situation'. The UN: 'One million displaced people in the Gaza Strip'. Israel: 'The Vatican must clearly condemn Hamas' (ANSA)

Key Points

  • 21:35 Israel: 'Vatican must condemn Hamas in a clear way'
  • 19:56 Military sources, UNIFIL was not the target, rocket from Hezbollah
  • 19:51 Israel, 155 hostages in the hands of Hamas
  • 20:21 Israel, '600,<> have left the northern sector of Gaza'
  • 19:37 Biden, it's time for everyone to unequivocally condemn Hamas
  • 19:00 Hamas: death toll in Gaza rises to 2,670 due to Israeli raids
  • 18:47 UNIFIL: 'A rocket hit our base in southern Lebanon'
  • 18:31 Israel's defense minister: 'We don't want escalation in the north'
  • 18:16 Blinken: 'Rafah crossing will be open to humanitarian aid'
  • 17:55 Arab League and African Union: 'risk of genocide if Israel invades Gaza'
  • 17:30 The 27 EU countries, 'Israel must follow international law'
  • 17:23 Hamas: 2,450 dead from Israeli attacks on Gaza
  • 16:43 More than 1,400 dead in Israel from Hamas attack
  • 16:38 Al Sisi to Blinken, Israel's reaction is collective punishment
  • 16:29 Israel's air force is hitting Hezbollah in Lebanon
  • 15:56 Army, 9 rockets launched from Lebanon against Israel
  • 16:21 CPJ, at least 12 journalists killed in Israel-Gaza crisis
  • 15:44 White House: 'We fear escalation and direct intervention by Iran'. 'Israel has reopened water pipes in southern Gaza'
  • 14:22 UN: 'One million displaced in Gaza in first week'
  • 14:20 Netanyahu: 'We will smash Hamas that thought it was going to split us'
  • 13:19 Iran: "If Israel invades Gaza, the situation will spiral out of control"
  • 12:58 Alarm sirens in Tel Aviv
  • 12:52 PA, 2,384 dead between Gaza and West Bank
  • 11:00 Army, hundreds of thousands displaced to the south in Gaza
  • 10:28 Israel: 'Raid on the flight of civilians a lie by Hamas'
  • 10:02 Army, Israeli civilian killed in attack from Lebanon
  • 10:01 Israel bans civilian access to Lebanon border
  • 09:42 Hezbollah claims attack on Israeli tank
  • 08:14 Israel to population in Gaza, today corridor between 10-13
  • 07:52 Israeli army begins evacuation of Sderot after Hamas attacks
  • 07:49 Hamas leader met Iranian minister in Doha
  • 07:41 Gaza Health, death toll rises to 2,329 with 9,714 injured
  • 07:22 Army, killed one of the perpetrators of Kibbutz Nirim massacre
  • 06:26 China, Israel's actions beyond the scope of self-defense
  • 04:56 China sent to the Middle East to press for peace talks
  • 04:48 U.S. sends planes from ground attacks to the Middle East
  • 04:29 Israel, major operations only after evacuation of civilians
  • 02:09 WHO, evacuating sick people to southern Gaza is tantamount to death sentence
  • 01:27 Biden, Hamas' worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust
  • 01:22 U.S. second aircraft carrier against hostile actions against Israel
  • 01:04 Egypt ties U.S. exit to humanitarian aid' entry
  • 00:25 USA, 29 American Hamas victims, 16 missing


Israel: 'Vatican must condemn Hamas in a clear way'

Israel "expects the Vatican to issue a clear and unequivocal condemnation of the murderous terrorist actions of Hamas terrorists who have targeted women, children and the elderly for the sole reason that they are Jews and Israelis. It is inconceivable that concern is expressed in the first place for the citizens of Gaza when Israel buries 1,300 people killed." This was stated by Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen in a telephone conversation with the Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, Paul Gallagher.


Military sources, UNIFIL was not the target, rocket from Hezbollah

The rocket that hit the UNIFIL base, according to military sources, was launched by Hezbollah and would have reached a logistical area inside the Naqoura base where there were no soldiers at the time. The same sources point out that the base was not the target of the launch and that the episode would be due to an inaccurate calculation of the trajectory. All the soldiers present in the base took refuge in the bunkers and then left when the alarm had ceased. Among others, about a hundred Italian soldiers operate in the base. At the moment there are no plans to evacuate the base, which can only be decided by the UN.


Israel, 155 hostages in the hands of Hamas

The Israeli military has contacted the families of 155 Hamas hostages kidnapped in the October 7 attack, according to a new tally of abducted people provided by the military spokesman.


Israel, '600,<> have left the northern sector of Gaza'

Six hundred thousand Palestinians have fled their homes in the north of the Strip and Gaza City in recent days and, following instructions from Israel, have crossed Wadi Gaza, in the central sector, to take shelter from the fighting. This was stated by Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari. During a press conference, Hagari denied accusations from Hamas that Israel had targeted those heading towards the south of the Strip.


Biden, it's time for everyone to unequivocally condemn Hamas

"This weekend, I reached out again with Prime Minister Netanyahu to reiterate the United States' continued support for Israel and to provide an update on our military support and efforts to protect civilians. It is time for all countries to unequivocally condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization that does not represent the aspirations of the Palestinian people," Joe Biden writes on X.


Hamas: death toll in Gaza rises to 2,670 from Israeli raids

The death toll from Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip has risen to 2,670. This was announced by the Hamas Ministry of Health, specifying that the wounded have risen to 9,600.


UNIFIL: 'A rocket hit our base in southern Lebanon'

A rocket hit the headquarters of the UN contingent in southern Lebanon (UNIFIL) today without causing any casualties. This was reported by UNIFIL spokesman, Andrea Tenenti, specifying that at the moment it is not possible to determine from where the rocket that hit the interior of the Naqura coastal base, close to the Blue Line demarcation with Israel, was launched. "Our peacekeepers were not in the bunkers at the time, but fortunately no one was injured," Tenenti said.


Israel's Defense Minister: 'We don't want escalation in the north'

Israel is not interested in opening a war front on the border with Lebanon. This was reiterated by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, referring to the growing tension with Hezbollah. "We don't want an escalation of the situation," Gallant said in a video released after his visit to southern Israel. But, he warned, if Hezbollah "chooses the path of war, they will pay a heavy price."


Blinken: 'Rafah crossing will be open to humanitarian aid'

The Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt "will be opened" for humanitarian aid in the Strip, as Egypt demanded to unblock the exit of about 500 Americans, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said from Cairo. "We are putting in place with the United Nations, with Egypt, with Israel and with others the mechanism through which we can get assistance and bring it to the people who need it," he told reporters. Blinken also said that the U.S. has appointed an envoy, former longtime diplomat David Satterfield, to work on aid to Gaza.


Arab League and African Union: 'risk of genocide if Israel invades Gaza'

Israel's invasion of Gaza could lead to a "genocide of unprecedented proportions." This was stated by the Arab League and the African Union in a joint statement. Both organizations called on "the United Nations and the international community to stop the catastrophe that is unfolding before us, before it is too late."


The 27 EU countries, 'Israel must follow international law'

"The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms Hamas and its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks across Israel and deeply deplores the loss of life. There is no justification for terrorism. We strongly emphasize Israel's right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law in the face of such violent and indiscriminate attacks." This was written in a joint statement by the twenty-seven countries of the European Union. "We reiterate the importance of ensuring the protection of all civilians at all times in line with international humanitarian law," they add.


Hamas: 2,450 killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza

At least 2,450 Palestinians have been killed by Israel's attacks on Gaza. This was announced by the Hamas Ministry of Health, according to which the number of injured has reached 9,200.


More than 1,400 dead in Israel from Hamas attack

Sono oltre 1.400 i morti in Israele per l'attacco di Hamas dello scorso 7 ottobre. Lo ha fatto sapere l'ufficio del primo ministro citato dai media internazionali. 


Al Sisi a Blinken, la reazione di Israele è punizione collettiva

La reazione di Israele all'attacco di Hamas è andata oltre l'autodifesa e si è tradotta in una punizione collettiva: lo ha detto il presidente egiziano Abdel Fattah al-Sisi al segretario di Stato americano Antony Blinken, secondo quanto riportano alcuni media Usa citando i suoi commenti trasmessi in tv durante un incontro con Blinken al Cairo. Al Sisi ha anche affermato di essere contro gli attacchi a qualsiasi civile nel conflitto in corso. 


L'aviazione di Israele sta colpendo Hezbollah in Libano

L'aviazione israeliana sta colpendo infrastrutture militari degli Hezbollah nel Libano. Lo ha detto il portavoce militare israeliano. 


Esercito, 9 i razzi lanciati dal Libano contro Israele

Sono 9 i razzi lanciati dal territorio libanese contro il nord di Israele dove prima sono risuonate le sirene di allarme. Lo ha detto l'esercito spiegando che 5 dei razzi sono stati intercettati. L'esercito sta ora colpendo il luogo di origine da dove sono partiti.


Cpj, almeno 12 giornalisti uccisi nella crisi Israele-Gaza

Sono almeno 12 i giornalisti uccisi durante gli otto giorni di conflitto dopo l'attacco di Hamas. Lo ha riferito il 'Comitato di protezione dei giornalisti' (Cpj) citato da Haaretz secondo cui altri 2 sono attualmente considerati dispersi. "Il Cpj - ha detto Sherif Mansour coordinatore dell'organizzazione per il Medio Oriente e il Nord Africa - sottolinea che i giornalisti sono civili che fanno un lavoro importante durante tempi di crisi e non devono essere presi di mira dalle parti in guerra". 


Casa Bianca: 'Temiamo escalation e intervento diretto dell'Iran'. 'Israele ha riaperto le condutture d'acqua a Gaza sud'

Gli Usa temono un'escalation della guerra tra Israele e Hamas e la prospettiva di un coinvolgimento diretto dell'Iran. Lo ha detto il consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale della Casa Bianca Jake Sullivan intervenendo alla Cbs, dove ha evocato la possibilità di un nuovo fronte di battaglia sul confine tra Israele e Libano. "Non possiamo escludere che l'Iran scelga di impegnarsi direttamente in qualche modo. Dobbiamo prepararci per ogni possibile evenienza", ha ammonito.

Israele ha riaperto le condutture dell'acqua nel sud di Gaza dopo un blocco durato quasi una settimana, ha spiegato poi Sullivan, riferendo di essere stato informato da dirigenti israeliani. Lo sviluppo è arrivato nelle ultime ore, ha precisato. 


Onu: 'A Gaza un milione di sfollati nella prima settimana'

L'Onu ha stimato che nella prima settimana di guerra a Gaza ci siano un milione di sfollati.


Netanyahu: 'Spaccheremo Hamas che pensava di spaccarci'

Hamas "pensava che Israele si sarebbe spaccata, ma saremo noi a spaccare Hamas", ha detto il premier Benyamin Netanyahu nella prima riunione di gabinetto del governo di emergenza. "Questo governo sta lavorando 24 ore al giorno e l'unità di Israele manda un chiaro messaggio alla nazione, al nemico e al mondo". La riunione ha poi osservato un minuto di silenzio in ricordo degli oltre 1.300 israeliani morti a causa dell'attacco di Hamas dello scorso 7 ottobre.

Video Netanyahu: 'Spaccheremo Hamas che pensava di spaccarci'


Iran: "Se Israele invade Gaza situazione fuori controllo"

"Nessuno può garantire il controllo della situazione" se Israele invade Gaza. E' l'avvertimento lanciato da Teheran.


Sirene d'allarme a Tel Aviv

Sirene di allarme anti razzi stanno risuonando a Tel Aviv. Lo ha constatato l'ANSA sul posto.


Anp, 2.384 morti tra Gaza e Cisgiordania

Il ministero della Sanità dell'Anp ha riferito che il numero dei morti nei raid israeliani dal 7 ottobre a Gaza e in Cisgiordania è salito a 2.384, mentre i feriti sono 10.250. In particolare, scrive l'agenzia palestinese Wafa, "nella Striscia sono state uccise 2.329 persone, la maggior parte dei quali erano bambini e donne, mentre il numero dei feriti ha raggiunto 9.042. In Cisgiordania, il numero dei morti è salito ieri a 55, dopo la morte ieri del sedicenne Muhammad Rifaat Adwan, nel governatorato di Tulkarem, mentre il numero dei feriti è salito a oltre 1.200".


Esercito, a Gaza centinaia di migliaia sfollati verso sud

"Centinaia di migliaia di palestinesi" si sono già spostati verso il sud della striscia di Gaza, come ordinato da Israele. "Ma Hamas ricorre a sistemi energici per impedire in modo attivo quegli spostamenti". Lo ha affermato in una conferenza stampa il portavoce militare israeliano Daniel Hagari. "Facciamo appello alla popolazione: spostatevi a sud, oltre il fiume Wadi Gaza, per la vostra sicurezza''.

Per approfondire Agenzia ANSA Il Papa: "Forse ci sono miei amici argentini tra le vittime dell'attacco di Hamas" - Notizie - Il pontefice lo ha detto parlando al telefono con il giornalista e amico israeliano Enrique Cymerman (ANSA)


Israele: 'Raid sulla fuga di civili una menzogna di Hamas'

"E' una menzogna di Hamas" che l'esercito israeliano abbiamo colpito in un raid un convoglio di civili palestinesi in fuga dal nord della Striscia di Gaza verso il sud. Lo ha detto il portavoce militare Daniel Hagari in un briefing con la stampa internazionale.

Listen to "Ritorno al Medioevo" on Spreaker. 


Esercito, morto un civile israeliano in un attacco dal Libano

E' morto uno degli israeliani feriti da un missile antitank a Shtula, nel nord di Israele, al confine con il Libano. Lo riferisce l'esercito israeliano, citato dai media, precisando che ci sono altri tre feriti lievi.

Per approfondire Agenzia ANSA La parola della settimana: terrore (di Massimo Sebastiani) - Notizie - L'etimologia ci porta lontano e ci parla di una parola che indica movimento, agitazione, tremolio. Ma chi è terrorizzato, secondo la psicologia, è paralizzato. Che sia, per intrattenimento, il film di un maestro del brivido, o invece uno dei blitz più efferati che si ricordino, come quello di Hamas in Israele di sabato 7 ottobre, è questo lo scopo del terrore, a partire da quello, che si è guadagnato la T maiuscola, instaurato dal Comitato di salute pubblica in Francia tra il 1793 il 1794 (ANSA)


Israele vieta l'accesso dei civili al confine con il Libano

L'esercito israeliano ha proibito l'ingresso di tutti i civili fino a quattro chilometri dal confine con il Libano. La decisione - secondo i media - è stata spiegata con l'aumento degli attacchi da oltre frontiera. Al tempo stesso l'esercito ha ordinato ai residenti delle zone di confine all'interno dei 4 chilometri di restare vicino ai rifugi.


Hezbollah rivendica attacco contro tank israeliano

Hezbollah, il partito armato libanese filo-iraniano, ha rivendicato stamani l'attacco contro un carro armato israeliano nel settore centrale della Linea Blu di demarcazione tra i due paesi. Lo riferisce la tv al Manar degli stessi jihadisti sciiti libanesi.


Israele alla popolazione a Gaza, oggi corridoio tra 10-13

''Abitanti di Gaza, negli ultimi giorni vi abbiamo esortato a lasciare Gaza City ed il nord della Striscia e di spostarvi a sud del Wadi Gaza per la vostra sicurezza. Oggi vi informiamo che fra le ore 10:00 e le 13:00 (ora locale, ndr) Israele non colpirà l'itinerario indicato dalla nostra cartina per raggiungere quella zona'': lo ha reso noto su X il lingua araba il portavoce militare, Avichay Adraee. "Per la vostra sicurezza sfruttate questo breve lasso di tempo per andare a sud. Potete essere certi - conclude Adraee - che i dirigenti di Hamas hanno già provveduto alla protezione loro e delle loro famiglie''.


L'esercito israeliano inizia sgombero Sderot dopo attacchi Hamas

L'esercito israeliano ha iniziato oggi lo sgombero della città di Sderot, situata a ridosso della striscia di Gaza, che è stata teatro di efferatezze da parte di commando di Hamas e che è stata colpita ripetutamente dai lanci di razzi. ''Non è questo il momento di restare in città'', ha detto il sindaco Allon Davidi. La città conta 30mila abitanti che avranno diritto di soggiornare in pensioni a spese dello Stato in luoghi più sicuri di Israele. Secondo i media, l'evacuazione non è obbligatoria e chi lo ritiene opportuno può restare nella propria abitazione.


Il capo di Hamas ha incontrato il ministro iraniano a Doha

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Doha, according to Iran's IRNA news agency. The two discussed developments in the war between Hamas and Israel, and agreed to "continue cooperation to achieve all the goals of the Palestinian resistance and people." It is the first meeting at this level since the terrorist organization's attack on Israel on October 7.


Gaza, death toll rises to 2,329 with 9,714 injured

The death toll in Gaza from Israel's attacks has risen to 2,329, while 9,714 have been injured. This was announced by the local Ministry of Health.


Army, one of the perpetrators of Kibbutz Nirim massacre killed

Israel killed last night in the southern Gaza Strip one of the perpetrators of last week's massacre in Kibbutz Nirim. This was announced by the Israeli army, according to which it is Billal al-Kedra, commander of the elite Hamas unit known as 'Nukhba' in the Khan Yunes area, in the south of the Strip. In this attack, carried out by fighter jets, the spokesman said, "other Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed."


China, Israel's actions beyond the scope of self-defense

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday had a telephone conversation with his Saudi counterpart Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud on the crisis in the Middle East, noting that Israel's actions "went beyond the scope of self-defense." While Tel Aviv "should seriously listen to the appeals of the international community and the UN Secretary-General to stop the collective punishment of the people of Gaza." Both, said in a statement from Beijing's diplomacy released today, "expressed concern about the situation in Israel and Gaza."


China envoy to Middle East to press for peace talks

China's special envoy Zhai Jun will be in the Middle East next week to press for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Hamas conflict and to promote peace talks. Zhai will visit the Middle East in order to coordinate with the various parties for a ceasefire, to protect civilians, to alleviate the situation and to promote peace talks. Zhai's mission was anticipated on Friday by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during a press conference with his EU counterpart Josep Borrell, at the end of the China-EU Strategic Dialogue.


U.S. Sends Ground Attack Planes to Middle East

U.S. Central Command said in a social media post that A-10 aircraft, ground attack support aircraft, will soon join the F-15s already deployed in the area. "By equipping ourselves with advanced assets and integrating with joint and coalition forces, we are strengthening our partnerships and security in the region," Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, commander of the Ninth Air Force, said in a statement. The movement of warplanes "strengthens the position of the United States and improves air operations throughout the Middle East," he said.


Israel, major operations only after civilian evacuation

Israel will launch "significant military operations" only once civilians have left Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman told CNN. "The important thing to focus on is that we will only begin significant military operations when we see that civilians have left the area," said Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. "It's really important for people in Gaza to know that we've been very, very generous with time. We gave ample notice, more than 25 hours."


WHO, evacuating sick people to southern Gaza is tantamount to death sentence

The forced evacuation of thousands of sick people from northern Gaza to the south of the territory could be "the equivalent of a death sentence," the World Health Organization (WHO) warned last night. "WHO strongly condemns Israel's repeated orders to evacuate 22 hospitals treating more than 2,000 patients in northern Gaza," it said in a statement. The relocation of 2,000 patients to southern Gaza, "where health facilities are already at full capacity and are unable to absorb a considerable increase in the number of patients, could amount to a death sentence," he said.


Biden, Hamas' worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust

"We are witnessing the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. We are witnessing a humanitarian crisis in Gaza," Joe Biden said at a human rights campaign dinner in Washington. Most of the people living in Gaza, he added, are "innocent Palestinian families, who don't want anything to do with Hamas."


U.S. second aircraft carrier against hostile actions against Israel

The U.S. is sending a second aircraft carrier to the eastern Mediterranean as a "deterrence against actions hostile to Israel," the Pentagon announced.


Egypt ties U.S. exit to humanitarian aid entry'

The agreement between Washington and Cairo to allow more than 500 Americans to leave Gaza through the Rafah crossing has stalled. Egypt has said it will only give the green light if humanitarian aid can move in the opposite direction, according to the Wall Street Journal. The agreement stipulated 17 p.m. on Saturday as the deadline for the passage, but the crossing remained closed.


USA, 29 American victims of Hamas, 16 missing

The number of American citizens killed in Hamas attacks in Israel has risen from 27 to 29, a US State Department spokesman said, adding that 15 US citizens and one lawful permanent resident are also missing. "We are working around the clock to determine where they are," he assured, recalling cooperation with the Israeli government "on every aspect of the hostage crisis, including the sharing of intelligence information."

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