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Five tips to help you finally stick to your diet


Highlights: Five tips to help you finally stick to your diet. Make healthy choices isn't always easy, but you can make it easier for yourself. Set very specific and realistic goals in advance. Be proud of yourself, rejoice in small victories and reward yourself occasionally. Get your team to skip food on social occasions as invitations or gatherings with friends could be helpful to emphasize the seriousness of the project and minimize the temptations. This article only contains general information on the general health topic and is not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

Status: 16.10.2023, 16:30 p.m.

By: Judith Braun


Motivation at the beginning of a diet is high. Then comes the hard part – sticking with it. However, with a little help, you can overcome your old habits.

Sustainable and healthy weight loss often requires a change in dietary habits and even an overall lifestyle. Especially at the beginning of losing weight, motivation is usually high and it is easier to follow a diet. But over time, discipline can wane – which is completely natural – and you are tempted to give up everything and go back to old habits. Many people have probably experienced the realization that losing weight often fails. Often the notorious yo-yo effect occurs and the frustration is great. Therefore, some advice can be quite useful to stay on track with weight loss and not deviate from the path to the goal weight.

Five tips to help you stay on track while losing weight

Making healthy choices isn't always easy, but you can make it easier for yourself. © Iankovskii/Imago

If you're currently on an arduous stretch of track on your journey to your goal weight, take the following advice to heart. This will help you get back on track and make losing weight easier and more successful.

Tip 1 for losing weight: remove sugar and fat traps at home

Have you reached a standstill in your diet and it just can't go on? Often, this leads to reaching for sweets such as chocolate out of desperation. When such treats are in the house, it is even easier to fall into this trap. To protect yourself from such behaviors in weak moments, it is advisable not to buy these foods in the first place and to store them at home. If you still feel the urge to snack and want to lose weight in the process, you can fall back on healthy snack alternatives. For example, during a diet, pistachios are a good choice.

Tip 2 to lose weight: a balanced and rich diet fights hunger

Although a calorie deficit is crucial for losing weight, it is by no means advisable to consume too few calories or even starve. This can be both physically and psychologically stressful. In order to prevent cravings and not risk weight loss success, it is important to focus on a nutritious, balanced and healthy diet despite dieting.

Tip 3 for losing weight: Set very specific and realistic goals

When planning to lose weight, it is essential to formulate clear and achievable goals in advance. It's also helpful to break down a large goal into several sections. In this way, small triumphs can be celebrated on a regular basis and the desired weight can be steadily and continuously approached. It is advisable to write down these goals and to set a timetable with yourself by which sub-goal should be achieved. By using an app, you can accurately track your progress, appreciate every little victory, and adjust your weight loss strategy if necessary.


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Tip 4 for losing weight: Be proud of yourself in any case - no matter how things are going

Successful weight loss requires the right attitude. Instead of putting pressure on yourself, keep reminding yourself that you want to do something good for your body and yourself. Every person and body is unique, so weight loss may take longer for some than others. It is advisable to be proud of yourself, rejoice in small victories and reward yourself occasionally. For example, instead of indulging in a cream cake, you could try a massage, a new outfit, or an exciting experience with friends.

Tip 5 for losing weight: Get your environment on the team

It can be challenging to skip food and stick to a diet on social occasions such as invitations or gatherings with friends. It could be helpful to inform one's own social circle about the planned weight loss and to emphasize the seriousness of the project. Usually, your loved ones and friends will then support you on your weight loss path and minimize the temptations.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

This article has been revised with the help of machines and carefully reviewed by editor Anne Tessin before publication.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-16

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