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"Coffee Badging": New Work Trend to Avoid Mandatory Office Attendance Is Making Waves


Highlights: "Coffee Badging": New Work Trend to Avoid Mandatory Office Attendance Is Making Waves. 38 percent of respondents in Germany operate exactly this model – sometimes only coming to the office briefly and then driving straight back home. In the USA, the figure is as high as 58 percent. The concept is suitable for companies that approve a certain number of home office days, but in return require a certain attendance rate in the office. The employer also benefits from often happier employees, who can prove their talent on the move or remotely.

Status: 17.10.2023, 15:15 PM

By: Clara Kistner


While employers are increasingly ordering their employees back into the office, they are cheating their way into working from home with the sophisticated "coffee badging" trick.

In times of the corona pandemic, many employees were able to enjoy working from home for the first time. Now many people don't want to miss out on their beloved home office. However, some employers are less enthusiastic about the concept and would like to see their employees slowly but surely back in the office. Recently, a cross-media discussion broke out as to whether constantly working from home could harm one's career.

Circumventing the obligation to be present in the office – why many employees prefer to work from home

Opinions on working from home vary widely. While the weekly two to three days of working from home were able to prevail in some companies even after the strict Covid regulations were lifted, other employers are standing in the way.

"Coffee badging" – going to the office for a coffee in the morning and going home again after a few hours to the home office? The new work trend is making waves. (Symbolic image) © YAY Images/Imago

The concept does not only bring advantages for the employees. The employer also benefits from often happier employees, who also come from different locations and can prove their talent on the move or remotely. Operating costs also fall for employers as soon as their employees no longer use the office space on a daily basis, reports Focus.

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Employees are also more flexible in terms of time when working from home than in the office, according to an article by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). During the lunch break, some housework can be done quickly, children can be supervised at the same time and even if a cold is imminent, working from home is often much more pleasant. In addition, you save time and money by avoiding the way to the office.

New Work Trend "Coffee Badging": When Employees Prefer to Work from Home

With the emerging work trend "coffee badging", employees who love working from home try to sneak more working time at home by spending short but regular periods in the office. The concept is suitable for companies that approve a certain number of home office days, but in return require a certain attendance rate in the office. According to an article in Stern magazine, it works particularly well if compulsory attendance is controlled with a stamp model.


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In this phenomenon, employees come to the office on the mandatory days to clock in and show their presence for a few hours. Subsequently, after colleagues and, ideally, the supervisor have taken note of their presence, they make their way back home to work from home for the rest of the day.

Surveys conducted as part of a recent survey by Owl Labs, a provider of technology solutions for hybrid working, showed that a full 38 percent of respondents in Germany operate exactly this model – sometimes only coming to the office briefly and then driving straight back home. In the USA, the figure is as high as 58 percent.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-17

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