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Susanne Fröhlich calls for more courage for women in "Keep your head up and your middle finger higher"


Highlights: Bestselling authors Susanne Fröhlich and Constanze Kleis encourage women to become more self-confident. Women do an average of 90 minutes of care work per day, which comes "on-top" of all other obligations, the author said in the talk show "Riverboat" The current guide has currently entered the top ten of the bestseller list and is likely to be here for some time to come.Susanne FröHLich calls for more courage for women in "Keep your head up and your middle finger higher".

Status: 17.10.2023, 18:00 PM

By: Sven Trautwein


A "no" comes far too rarely. The bestselling authors Susanne Fröhlich and Constanze Kleis encourage women to become more self-confident.

In addition to raising children, job, other care work, preparing breakfast boxes with carved vegetables for the offspring for Instagram without a care in the world, always smiling and doing everything just like that. In addition, be a good mother, wife, friend and always have an open ear for others. But is it all worth the stress? How about a resounding "No." Bestselling author Susanne Fröhlich and Constanze Kleis are back with "Keep your head up and your middle finger higher". Even though the cover is in pink, the men should also read it carefully.

Susanne Fröhlich, Constanze Kleis "Keep your head up and your middle finger higher": That's what the book is about

Bestselling author Susanne Fröhlich calls for more self-confidence for women in "Keep your head up and your middle finger higher". © Rainer Unkel/Imago/Droemer (Editing)

Women are generally too nice. If you look at posts by women on social networks, especially on Instagram, you get the impression that it's all about looking beautiful, always smiling and, in addition to a full-time job, managing the household without complaint, according to bestselling author Susanne Fröhlich in the talk show "Riverboat". Women do an average of 90 minutes of care work per day, which comes "on-top" of all other obligations, the author said in the talk show. This cannot go well in the long run, according to Fröhlich. In many marriages, there is still the classic role model of the 1950s. The state of marriage in general can also be read in Emilia Roig's "The End of Marriage".

How do you react when the child's father disappears into the office, even though he wanted to give his wife time off for her job? First of all, cry, and then without further ado bring the infant to the company! That's what Susanne Fröhlich once did. After that, the arrangements worked out. Or if the women's parking space in the multi-storey car park has just been occupied by a man? A) Hoping that looks can kill? B) Like Constanze Kleis, get out and ask if you can help – after all, vision problems should not be taken lightly...


The current guide has currently entered the top ten of the bestseller list and is likely to be here for some time to come. Susanne Fröhlich emphasized in an interview with Bild am Sonntag that today's mothers are a disaster. Many mothers mourned the (imminent) departure of their children. Something would be "lost". In fact, the opposite is true. Now you can take a deep breath and take care of other important things.

Susanne Fröhlich settles accounts with mothers

To hold a grudge against their own children would turn them into dependent egoists, writes the Bild Am Sonntag. In the talk show Riverboat, Susanne Fröhlich also emphasizes how relaxing it can be when the children are out of the house and earn their own money.

No is a whole sentence!

Susanne Fröhlich


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Things are going well for Susanne Fröhlich at the moment. Her son recently graduated from college. Her daughter is also out of the house. She is not one to cry for a long time after saying goodbye. As soon as the children lead their own lives, the standing order with the bank is terminated. This is liberating, according to the "Moppel-Ich" author. Her co-author Constanze Kleis also emphasizes that it is a mistake to take everything away from her children. Mothers would become dependent on which it would be difficult for them to get out themselves. "All hope is based on marriage. On the well-earning man. It's insanely old-fashioned." Abandoning one's own plans and always putting them on the back burner is not expedient, robbing strength and gratitude is not to be expected anyway.

Susanne Fröhlich puts it in a nutshell: "A shortage of services is a perfect thing." The result, he says, is more time and a more beautiful life.

Susanne Fröhlich, Constanze Kleis "Keep your head up and your middle finger higher"

2023 Droemer, ISBN-13 978-3-426-28625-8

Price: Paperback 18 €, E-Book 15.99 €, 272 pages (different format)

Susanne Fröhlich

Susanne Fröhlich is one of the most renowned writers in Germany. In addition to her work as an author and journalist, she also works as a presenter, since 2005, for example, for the MDR literature show "Fröhlich lesen". Her non-fiction books, such as "Fröhlich fasten", as well as her novels, most recently "Getraut", all achieved bestseller status, including "Moppel-Ich" with over a million copies sold. Susanne Fröhlich lives in the vicinity of Frankfurt am Main.

Constanze Kleis

The author and journalist lives and works in Frankfurt am Main. In addition to her collaboration with her best friend Susanne Fröhlich on bestsellers such as "Fröhlich mit Abstand", she also publishes independent works such as "Life is too short for Mimimi". As a journalist, she contributes to reporting, both for daily newspapers such as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung and for women's magazines such as Donna, Freundin and Myself. She and Susanne Fröhlich were jointly nominated for the German Book Prize.

Source: merkur

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