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Good digestion: How to recognize a healthy gut


Highlights: The intestine is the largest organ in our body. It provides energy to live and grow by processing the ingested food into useful nutrients. The gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria. These not only help with digestion but also influence weight and psyche. A healthy gut is important for digestion and the immune system. But how can you tell if the intestine is doing well? The following simple rules should determine the daily routine:Eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. Try to eliminate sugar from your diet as much as possible. Eat less fatty foods.

Status: 18.10.2023, 14:55 PM

By: Laura Knops


A healthy gut is important for digestion and the immune system. But how can you tell if the intestine is doing well?

The intestine is the largest organ in our body. It provides energy to live and grow by processing the ingested food into useful nutrients. But how does the intestine work – and what is the best way to keep it healthy?

100 million nerve cells work in the intestine

The gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria. These not only help with digestion. The microbiome also influences weight and psyche. © Panthermedia/IMAGO

As soon as we eat food, it is transported through the esophagus into the stomach. It then passes through the small and large intestines before substances that the body cannot use are excreted in the stool. Organs such as the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder help the intestines absorb nutrients from food and drink into the bloodstream.

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From food intake to excretion, the intestine is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells, which together form the enteric nervous system. This dense collection of nerves helps to exchange information between the brain and the gut. The nerves therefore play an important role in digestion, mucus and saliva production, taste, bladder control, but also in vital processes such as regulating heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, mood and speech.

A boon for your gut: probiotics

Research has shown that so-called probiotics can improve the microbial balance in the gut. They also have an antibacterial effect and can strengthen the immune system. The preparation Nupure probaflor (promotional link) is produced in Denmark and includes 11 carefully selected strains of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, which occur naturally in the human intestine.

Diet affects gut health

Given the important tasks that the intestine performs in the body, it is not surprising that doctors recommend optimal nutrition to keep the organ healthy. The following simple rules should determine the daily routine:


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  • Eat enough fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Try to eliminate sugar from your diet as much as possible.
  • Eat less fatty foods.
  • Prefer poultry and fish over red meat.

Megan Rossi, an English dietitian at King's College London, also told the Guardian that eating at least 30 different plant-based foods every week should be eaten. In addition to fruit and vegetables, this also includes whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Healthy gut: What are the signs of a healthy gut?

If the intestine is out of balance or even sick, this can manifest itself in various ways. For example, infections such as gastroenteritis can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloating. Lactose intolerance – an inability to digest milk or dairy products – can lead to diarrhea. Celiac disease, in which the immune system attacks the intestines due to gluten, can trigger abdominal pain and indigestion.

Air in the abdomen and pain are the first signs that something is wrong in the intestines. But bowel movements are also an indicator of the health of the intestines. If this is irregular or associated with pain, those affected should get to the bottom of the causes. But it doesn't always have to be due to an illness: a high-fiber diet can lead to more air in the stool.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-10-18

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