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JFK, 60 years after his death, a family and a divided America - World


Highlights: The 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is being marked with a series of events in the U.S. and around the world. In the United States, the election of Donald Trump as the next president is expected to be the most watched presidential election in history. The election will be the first time since the death of President Kennedy in 1963 that the country has been divided over who should be the next leader of the country. It is also the first election in which the winner will not be the same person who won the previous election.

Discontent over the candidacy of his nephew Robert against Biden (ANSA)

60 years after the assassination of JFK, a Kennedy is running again for the presidency of the United States.
But the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., namesake of his father who was killed trying to win the White House, wreaks havoc on the Camelot clan and the country.
Conspiracy theorist, anti-vax and smelling of anti-Semitism, RFK Jr. has been put on the index by cousins and nephews, also for his choice to challenge family friend Joe Biden as an independent.
In the contest between the current president and Donald Trump, his followers (13% of the electorate according to the latest polls) could make a difference in an America polarized as never before by politics.
The last heir of a clan for which politics has been the family business for decades (only Caroline, JFK's daughter, ambassador to Australia, and great-grandson Joe III, special envoy to Northern Ireland, remain), Rfk Jr. disturbs Holocaust Remembrance Day at a time when, according to Gallup, his uncle JFK's posthumous approval rating has risen to 90 percent. a record among post-war presidents.
The anniversary is listed in mourning, amidst appreciation and never-ending controversy from those who have never believed in Lee Harvey Oswald's solitary bullets. Fueling them is the documentary "What the Doctors Saw," in which seven doctors who were at Parkland Hospital where Kennedy was admitted speak: some claim to have seen a wound in the neck that would change the thesis of the only sniper corroborated by the Warren Commission. For many, it remains a mystery: Biden did not help dispel doubts when in June he postponed the disclosure of thousands of files for security reasons, fueling, 60 years later, suspicions about the most investigated crime of the century.
On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, America lost its innocence, when the young president was killed in the arms of his wife Jackie dressed in pink: like the bombs of Pearl Harbor and the collapse of the Twin Towers, the assassination remains in the global memory as one of those rare moments in which those who were alive at the time remember exactly where they were and what they were doing. To refresh the memory of others there are exhibitions such as 'Two Days in Texas', at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, which traces the steps that led JFK to the site of the assassination. The Texan museum has also collaborated with National Geographic for a docuseries that has the merit of recovering forgotten voices: such as that of Peggy Simpson, the only female reporter for the Associated Press in Texas and an eyewitness to Oswald's assassination who had never appeared on video.

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Source: ansa

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