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Gunther Emmerlich has passed away – three books by the entertainer that you should read


Highlights: Gunther Emmerlich has passed away – three books by the entertainer that you should read. At the age of 79, the artist died of heart failure. He became famous in the GDR with programmes such as 'Showkolade' and as the star of the Dresden Semperoper. He bridged the gap between good classical and popular music for the whole of Germany in numerous radio and television programmes. His sonorous bass is memorable, as are three books you should know.

Status: 20.12.2023, 15:45 PM

By: Sven Trautwein

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At the age of 79, Günther Emmerlich has retired from the stage of life. His sonorous bass is memorable, as are three books you should know.

With his deep bass he thrilled audiences in opera, concerts and television. The passage of the years did not prevent the chamber singer Gunther Emmerlich from entering the stage or the screen - now it is time for his fans to say goodbye for good. At the age of 79, the artist died of heart failure, according to the German Press Agency. Three books by and about the opera singer will be remembered for a long time.

Autobiography: "I wanted to be talked out of it"

The singer Gunther Emmerlich has died at the age of 79. Three books by and about him are remembered. © Jan Woitas/dpa/Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf (montage)

In his biography "I wanted to let myself be talked out", the musician and entertainer presents himself in his usual eloquent and funny manner. With affection, but not without a critical eye, he reflects on his childhood in Eisenberg during the post-war period, in which his family lived together in a very small space, as well as his youth in the GDR, where he was able to celebrate his first triumphs on stage and on television.

Emmerlich talks about his time as a student in Weimar, about holidays in the artists' colony in Ahrenshoop and how he met his wife. At the same time, he paints a picture of everyday life in the GDR and the challenges faced by someone who was in the limelight and refused to tell the functionaries what they wanted. A piece of contemporary history in book form.

Singer, presenter, entertainer – Gunther Emmerlich feels at home on the stages of this world. He became famous in the GDR with programmes such as 'Showkolade' and as the star of the Dresden Semperoper, and later bridged the gap between good classical and popular music for the whole of Germany in numerous radio and television programmes.

Blurb/Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf

Günther Emmerlich: "I wanted to be talked out of it"

2007 Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, ISBN-13 978-3-896-02753-5

Price: €17.90, 205 pages

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Gunther Emmerlich "Late Harvest"

After his biography "I wanted to let myself be talked out", the entertainer Günther Emmerlich adds another self-ironic one. In the preface, for example, Emmerlich points out that a book with the title "Spätlese" is very daring. It should not be a sad look back at missed opportunities, but also a look into the future and the current state. Always with a twinkle in the eye.

Emmerlich is certainly one of Germany's most versatile singers. His voice is unmistakable, as is his sense of humour. Gunther Emmerlich's alert and critical spirit is not only expressed in a steadfastly held opinion. Singing in many genres gives him visible and audible pleasure, as well as playing with language.

Blurb/Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf

Gunther Emmerlich "Spätlese – A Consideration Without Caution"

2016 Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, ISBN-13 978-3-86265-624-0

Price: €17.90, 208 pages

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Hand signed: Günther Emmerlich "Advanced"

Gunther Emmerlich's stories create a bridge between East and West. Even three decades after reunification, we could still share personal anecdotes more often to realize that there is more overlap than we suspect. With roots in Thuringia and Saxony, Gunther Emmerlich is a true cross-border commuter. Due to his extensive knowledge of the world, he provides a well-founded and pleasantly ironic perspective on things. He is strong in his convictions, but always cheerful.

If I had started writing earlier, I probably wouldn't have gotten around to singing at all. Singing animated, ideally the listeners and the singer. Writing relieves the soul and you are forced to think – at least some of it – to the end.

Blurb/Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf

Günther Emmerlich "Advanced"

2020 Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, ISBN-13 978-3-86265-829-9

Price: signed copy €19.99, 180 pages

Other celebrity biographies are also very popular. The biography of Britney Spears has been on the bestseller lists for a long time. It is one of the books that was important in 2023. Also recommended are three books by the late, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

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Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-12-20

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