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New Year's Eve pets, from dinners to barrels, tips for those who have dogs and cats - Pets


Highlights: New Year's Eve pets, from dinners to barrels, tips for those who have dogs and cats - Pets. Attention should also be paid to Christmas foods and plants (ANSA). We give up invitations or perhaps travel, we often stay at home closed tightly waiting for it to pass, there are those who hope that it will really be the last end of the year. How to overcome the possible stress of the dog or cat at midnight with the chaos and fireworks that then go on the next day?

Attention should also be paid to Christmas foods and plants (ANSA)

We give up invitations or perhaps travel, we often stay at home closed tightly waiting for it to pass, there are those who hope that it will really be the last end of the year, between December 31 and January 1, with bangs as per ordinances that have long prohibited them. In any case, for those who have a dog or cat, New Year's Eve is a time of tension because pets do not like these holidays, which interrupt their routines noisily: cats hide in corners or under the bed, dogs get agitated.
How to live the end of the year peacefully with your pet, in the case of house parties? How to overcome the continuous requests for tastings during the dinner and how to overcome the possible stress of the dog or cat at midnight with the chaos and fireworks that then go on the next day? Here are the useful tips from the experts at Ca' Zampa.

How to protect dogs at dinner parties, food doesn't

"Between the end of December and the beginning of January," explains veterinary doctor Scilla Salvi, "there is a significant increase in cases of gastroenteritis among pets
, due to the habit of offering them leftovers or small samples of food that they are not used to eating and therefore digesting."
1. Chocolate
, cocoa and coffee: they contain theobromine, a substance that can cause gastrointestinal upset in low doses, up to causing tremors and seizures in high doses. In a small dog, 20-30 grams of fondant (two cubes) are enough to have the first signs of discomfort. So also pay attention to cakes and biscuits.
Grapes or raisins: these can cause weakness, abdominal pain, and kidney problems.
Nuts: These can cause intestinal obstruction and discomfort, especially if moldy.
Sausages: they contain spices and a lot of salt, as well as fats.
Alcohol: causes gastroenteritis, tremors, incoordination, difficulty breathing up to coma.
2. Plant
alarm Also pay attention to some plants that often decorate the tables during the holidays. In particular, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) contains a milky substance that can cause irritation to pets' skin and eyes. If ingested, it causes symptoms such as gastric irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea. Mistletoe (Viscum album) is known to contain toxic substances that can cause gastrointestinal problems and, in more severe cases, damage to the central nervous system and heart. Mistletoe berries are also particularly dangerous if ingested.

The rules for house parties, how to protect dogs

"Accustomed to a routine that sees the presence of only family members – explains Paolo Bosatra, dog trainer at Ca' Zampa – the pet, especially the dog, can feel uncomfortable in moments when the social life of the house comes alive during special occasions. In order to make him feel good, it is advisable to follow some precautions in order to convey safety and attention".
1. Familiarize yourself with the guests If the dog is particularly euphoric with the guests, welcome them outside the house with the dog on a leash, let him become familiar with the guests
for a few minutes (the time of greetings) and then enter all together. In this way, you could prevent him from unloading his excitement all in an instant on the unfortunate guests.
2. No to tastings
It is good to try to stage, starting a few days before the anniversary, fake meals in which you put a few bites on the table and completely ignore all his requests by turning your back on him. Soon he will resign himself and after a couple of minutes his calm may be rewarded. By doing so, he will understand what the correct attitude is.
3. Don't leave him alone
The dog is a social animal, so excluding him from the day of celebration by relegating him to the garden or to a room is wrong. One or more moments of the day should be dedicated to him. A walk together can also be an opportunity to stretch your legs and work off your Christmas lunch.

How to Prevent Pets from Barrel Stress

STRESS 1. If the dog lives in the garden, it should not be left alone, even a sheltered room such as the garage may not be enough. Better to let him into the house, to make him feel safe
2. No to fear It is not necessary to "justify" his fear
by consoling him: it is better to remain indifferent, in order to convey calm.
3. Veterinary consultation
If your dog is particularly afraid of noise, it is advisable to put a veterinary consultation on the agenda in order to understand whether it is necessary to investigate the problem by recommending specific pharmaceutical products or opt for more moderate solutions, such as spreading pheromones in the home environment over time and evaluating their effects.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2023-12-30

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