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Fireworks on New Year's Eve: what applies in other European countries?


Highlights: Fireworks on New Year's Eve: what applies in other European countries?. More and more municipalities are starting to impose bans and only allow central fireworks. In the Netherlands, where fireworks sales also started on Thursday (28 December), stricter rules have been in place since 2020. In Italy, people like to drive the evil spirits away with rockets and firecrackers. In France, many municipalities have banned fireworks for fire safety reasons or concerns about fire safety. The most famous fireworks are reserved for professionals anyway.

Status: 31.12.2023, 07:25 a.m.

By: Romina Kunze

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Yes, no or only in some places? When it comes to firecrackers on New Year's Eve, opinions are divided in Germany. This also applies to our European neighbours.

Berlin – From December at the latest, the discussion about New Year's Eve rockets comes up anew year after year in Germany: ban fireworks completely or only refrain from doing so in a few designated prohibition zones? There are good reasons for both possibilities, as can be seen in the video. According to a survey, the majority of people in Germany would rather do without the banging. But what does the situation actually look like outside the federal borders?

Too lax New Year's Eve rules in Germany? Firecrackers are not allowed everywhere – but almost

Currently, authorities in Germany limit themselves to partial bans on New Year's Eve. However, police and rescue workers fear riots and excesses of violence, especially in the big cities. Images queuing for hours to buy fireworks could suggest this.

Unlike some of its European neighbours, firecrackers are only allowed in Germany from New Year's Eve to the morning of 1 January. With an appropriate distance to buildings and only outside the prohibited zones, of course. Regardless of the start of sales three days earlier. However, despite severe fines, not everyone adheres to this.

Beautiful to look at, but not without danger: New Year's Eve fireworks are largely allowed in Germany. However, it should be ignited with caution and consideration. © Thomas Banneyer/dpa

Austria: Permitted all year round outside built-up areas

Neighbouring Austria has basically no problem with rockets, firecrackers and fountains – as long as they are ignited outside a town. Then it can also pop, even if no New Year's Eve is celebrated. In populated areas and municipalities, the mayors may have to temporarily lift the bans. Many issue such an ordinance for New Year's Eve.

The minimum age in the Alpine republic is 16 years. Fireworks are strictly prohibited in the immediate vicinity of clinics, children's homes, retirement homes and rest homes, places of worship as well as animal shelters and zoos; even out of town. Violations can cost up to 3600 euros.

Netherlands: More fireworks bans in many municipalities and cities

In the Netherlands, where fireworks sales also started on Thursday (28 December), stricter rules have been in place since 2020. Heavy fireworks have been banned since then. Nevertheless, large quantities of illegal firecrackers are entering the country – according to police, in packages from the Czech Republic and Poland, among others. In recent weeks, more than 60 tons of such firecrackers have already been confiscated.

In view of the dangers and general environmental pollution, more and more municipalities are starting to impose bans and only allow central fireworks. Last year, firecracker bans were in force in twelve out of a total of 388 municipalities, including the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. With Arnhem, Eindhoven, Tilburg and Amersfoort, four more cities have now been added with a ban on fireworks for private individuals.

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According to Dutch media, however, the bans have had little effect: In many municipalities, despite bans, residents estimate that a similar number of firecrackers were set off last year as before.

France bans rockets for the most part: Organized fireworks shows instead of general firecrackers

In France, many municipalities have banned fireworks for fire safety reasons or concerns about riots, such as Paris and Strasbourg. Certain categories of fireworks are reserved for professionals anyway. Many cities have organized fireworks shows instead. The most famous is certainly the one on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, where a million people welcomed the New Year last year.

Light show instead of rocket shower: In Paris, New Year's Eve is more environmentally friendly to celebrate the New Year. © Imago

Italy: No sale of New Year's Eve rockets and firecrackers in the supermarket

In Italy, too, people like to drive away the evil spirits with rockets and firecrackers. Table fireworks can be purchased in supermarkets, stationery shops and tobacco shops – rockets and firecrackers for outdoor use can only be purchased in shops with the appropriate license. In addition, the fireworks may only be purchased from the age of 18.The ignition of fireworks on New Year's Eve is generally allowed in Italy, but the rules for use are stricter than in Germany.

Rockets and firecrackers, for example, may not be set off in densely populated places or in the immediate vicinity of people or animals. In some regions and cities, they are not allowed to be ignited at all in public places. In addition, there are firecracker-free zones in large cities.

Poland: Fireworks are always allowed in your own garden during the day

In Poland, everyone is allowed to set off fireworks in their garden all year round – the only restriction is the time of day (6 a.m. and 22 p.m.). The firecrackers and rockets are only sold to adults. On New Year's Eve, fireworks may also be set off on public streets and squares, but municipalities can impose restrictions in isolated cases.

In case of disturbance of the peace or careless handling of the firecrackers, fines of up to 5000 zlotys (1150 euros) may be imposed. At the same time, there is a discussion in Poland as to whether firecrackers should not be avoided out of consideration for the animals. There will be no public fireworks display in the Polish capital this time.

United Kingdom: Sales only allowed shortly before New Year's Eve and other occasions

The regulations are similar in the UK; here, too, fireworks may be fired between 7 a.m. and 23 p.m. on private property. On some holidays, even long fireworks may be set off. However, not on streets and public squares.

As in Germany, rockets and the like may only be sold in conventional stores a few days before the respective festivals. Again, professional fireworks may only be sold by licensed dealers and only ignited by professionals. (rku with dpa)

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-12-31

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