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These supermarkets and shops are open on New Year's Day – the big picture


Highlights: The Shop Closing Hours Act (LadSchlG) regulates the nationwide opening hours for sales outlets. On public holidays such as New Year's Day, supermarkets and discounters such as Lidl, Penny or Rewe must remain closed throughout the day. But as with all rules, there are usually a few exceptions that make a small errand on the first of January possible. The following outlets are allowed to open on public holidays: pharmacies, gas stations, newspapers and magazines. Only products needed for travel needs can be purchased there.

Status: 31.12.2023, 19:38 PM

By: Victoria Krumbeck

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The first of January is a public holiday, like any other. However, there are also exceptions on public holidays. Which stores are open?

Munich – The days between the years were particularly strictly regulated this year. Because Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fell on a Sunday. The special opening hours of the two days are therefore invalid and most supermarkets were closed. There are no extra opening hours for New Year's Day, the usual holiday rules apply. The overview.

Shopping on New Year's Day: These rules apply on the holiday

The Shop Closing Hours Act (LadSchlG) regulates the nationwide opening hours for sales outlets. On public holidays such as New Year's Day, supermarkets and discounters such as Lidl, Penny or Rewe must remain closed throughout the day. But as with all rules, there are usually a few exceptions that make a small errand on the first of January possible. The following outlets are allowed to open on public holidays:

  • Pharmacies: You are only allowed to sell medicines, nursing, infant care and infant food, hygienic items and disinfectants.
  • Gas stations: Spare parts for motor vehicles may be sold on public holidays if this is necessary for the maintenance or restoration of roadworthiness. The sale of consumables and travel supplies is permitted.
  • Kiosks: Newspapers and magazines may be sold between 11 a.m. and 13 p.m. on public holidays.
  • Sales outlets at passenger stations and airports are allowed to open on public holidays. However, only products that are needed for travel needs can be purchased there.
  • Source: LadSchlG

Shopping on New Year's Day: These products can be sold by stores

The law has a strict definition of travel needs. According to § 2 paragraph 2 of the LadSchlG, newspapers, magazines, road maps, city maps, travel books, writing materials, tobacco products, cut flowers, travel toiletries, films, sound recordings, supplies for first-aid kits, travel souvenirs and toys of lower value, food and luxury foods in smaller quantities as well as foreign types of money can be purchased.

The discounters Lidl and Penny are closed on New Year's Day. Consumers can still run small errands. © Photomontage Manngold/mix1/IMAGO

Consumers can get these products on New Year's Day, all other errands will have to wait until the next working day. In addition, the federal states have their own laws that go beyond the nationwide regulations. This will allow sales to be regulated in rural areas, where shops are allowed to open for two hours on public holidays and sell their goods. (UK)

Source: merkur

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