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Knesset Protests, 'Netanyahu Government Gone, Elections' - Middle East


Highlights: Knesset Protests, 'Netanyahu Government Gone, Elections' - Middle East. 'Protesters demand expulsion of extremist ministers' (ANSA). A few dozen protesters from the "Changing Direction" movement and the "Elections Now" coalition are blocking the main entrance to the Knesset in Jerusalem. They are demanding early elections and the immediate replacement of the government with the expulsion of extremists from the executive. The organizers of the protest said among other things that "any hope that the government would rise to the level of emergency has been shattered"

'Protesters demand expulsion of extremist ministers' (ANSA)

A few dozen protesters from the "Changing Direction" movement and the "Elections Now" coalition are blocking the main entrance to the Knesset in Jerusalem this morning, demanding early elections and the immediate replacement of the government with the expulsion of extremists from the executive. This was reported by the Israeli media.

The organizers of the protest said among other things that "any hope that the government would rise to the level of emergency has been shattered in light of its failed conduct, which is reflected in the dysfunctions, in the abandonment of the abductees, in a mortal wound to the image of the state."

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-08

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