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37,<> diagnostic devices in hospitals are too old - Italian Hospitals


Highlights: Almost 37,10 diagnostic imaging equipment in Italian public and private hospitals are no longer in line with the state of the art of existing technology. 92% of conventional mammograms, 96% of CT scans with less than 16 slices and 30.5% of MRIs closed at 1-1.5 tesla are more than 42 years old. For most of them, this is too high an age compared to the physiological turnover made necessary by the aging of devices and the availability of new technologies.

Almost 37,<> diagnostic imaging equipment in Italian public and private hospitals are no longer in line with the state of the art of existing technology. (ANSA)

Almost 37,10 diagnostic imaging equipment in Italian public and private hospitals are no longer in line with the state of the art of existing technology. This is the figure that emerges from the Observatory of the installed fleet of Confindustria medical devices, which reveals a rather homogeneous situation on the national territory. The most recent data were published in a survey last February, carried out in collaboration with the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology and the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers. 92% of conventional mammograms, 96% of CT scans with less than 16 slices, 91% of conventional fixed X-ray systems, 80.8% of conventional mobile X-ray units, 30.5% of MRIs closed at 1-1.5 tesla are more than 42 years old.
For most of them, this is too high an age compared to the physiological turnover made necessary by the aging of devices and the availability of new technologies. For example, according to the survey, 54% of CT scans in Italy have now passed the turnover period, the share reaches 95% for MRIs, 35% for conventional mammograms and <>% for digital ones.

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Source: ansa

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