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A no-alcohol month, the challenge of Dry January (by Alessandra Magliaro) - The trend of the week


Highlights: A no-alcohol month, the challenge of Dry January (by Alessandra Magliaro) - The trend of the week. In January we change, it's the month of new beginnings and good intentions. The ultimate goal: to denormalize alcohol, drink less and better: not alone and not every day. Or quit altogether.Listen to it onSpreakerSpotifySpotifyGoogle PodcastsApple PodcastsShare it with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

In January we change, it's the month of new beginnings and good intentions. In addition to the already well-known Veganuary, the January in which you try to be vegan, the January without alcohol or at least with reduced alcohol begins to make itself known. It's Dry January and it allows you to question your consumption and measure the benefits of abstinence on your health. The ultimate goal: to denormalize alcohol, drink less and better: not alone and not every day. Or quit altogether. (ANSA)

In January we change, it's the month of new beginnings and good intentions. In addition to the already well-known Veganuary, the January in which you try to be vegan, the January without alcohol or at least with reduced alcohol begins to make itself known. It's Dry January and it allows you to question your consumption and measure the benefits of abstinence on your health. The ultimate goal: to denormalize alcohol, drink less and better: not alone and not every day. Or quit altogether.

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Source: ansa

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