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A colorful apartment that expands the heart: a makeover in the center of Tel Aviv | Israel Hayom


Highlights: A colorful apartment that expands the heart: a makeover in the center of Tel Aviv. A 90-square-meter property has become a stylish design face with an unapologetic use of intense colors. Lego bricks embedded in flooring and a surprising bathroom space influenced by Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Noa Levy Tuval planned and designed the 90 sqm apartment in Tel Aviv's center. The color palette is not a classic process of building a harmonious palette of shades, but rather all the colors of the rainbow.

A 90-square-meter property has become a stylish design face with an unapologetic use of intense colors, Lego bricks embedded in flooring and a surprising bathroom space influenced by Dutch painter Piet Mondrian

Location:Tel Aviv Center

Property:Residence Apartment

Built Area:90 sqm

Planning and Interior Design: Noa Levy Tuval

Walland wood colors:Tambour

Project Story

The 90 sqm apartment planned and designed by Noa Levy Tuval is one of the most colorful we have encountered recently, and it seems that these days, there is nothing like unapologetic colors to expand the heart. During Levy Tuval's work with her clients, she makes sure to study them, to draw any relevant information about them: how they conduct themselves on a daily basis, what they like to do, where they like to sit at home, what they suffer from, what they enjoy, and in the end, what they like about their home and design. From what she gathers, she manages to figure out what suits them.

During the meetings with the owners of the Tel Aviv apartment, Levy Tuval delved deeper together with the clients, on matters of structure, division, position, utilization of every space comma in the house, without compromising on spacious spaces - three bedrooms, a study, a living room and a kitchen and even a balcony.

View of the kitchen and the entrance to the apartment / Photo: Sigal Saban

The love for bold and deep color was at the heart of the homeowners' design vision. They wanted as much of it as possible, and that largely dictated the planning. Levi Tuval says that Hila, the landlady, is a colorful and interesting person. She has an unusual business called "The Polish Tick", a professional nagging business that provides push services to procrastinators in a variety of fields, she is a creative woman who deals quite a bit with handicrafts, loves and appreciates art very much. In this apartment, we chose to use the beloved colors in a calculated way - in each space in the space, different shades were chosen, and the creation of a pamphlet can be attributed through the use of white surfaces.

Unique accessories and furniture items, collected over the years by the homeowners, were found during the renovation in the apartment and received new life, when they were treated and repositioned in the renovated spaces. To complement the missing spaces, a few new pieces of furniture were purchased.

Color palette

The color is in the center of the apartment. Levy Tuval explains that this is not a classic process of building a harmonious palette of shades, but rather all the colors of the rainbow that have been expressed.

In the daughter's room, a ceiling was painted bright pink (0042A), a wall in baby pink (0031P) and a mirror, with dynamic wallpaper in the background. For the son, the walls were painted green (0885T) and the ceiling deep turquoise.

The girl's room after renovation / Photo: Sigal Saban

The master bedroom is painted white (white and white), but the warm parquet enriches it and the curtains and windows paint it in light blue tones.

The study, painted fuchsia pink (0042A), is a contrasting backdrop for furniture items in yellow.

The living room combines furniture in complementary shades of orange and blue, and the kitchen is a fan of shades that combines green carpentry in front of the entrance and a yellow wall (0525A) that borders the living room.

One of the dreams the landlady sought to realize was in the bathroom and toilet spaces - a toilet inspired by the works of Piet Mondrian, a Dutch painter active in the early 20th century. The bathroom is designed as the pages of an account notebook, where exercises can be written on the white tiles.

Guest toilet after renovation inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian / Photo: Sigal Saban

Shelf built in the guest bathroom / Photo: Sigal Saban

Material Palette

The palette of materials is high quality and classic, supports the intense colors - walls in acrylic painting, exterior walls in acrylic shlicht. Multi-layer wood parquet with a smoked oak finish. Natural stone in the flooring of the bathrooms and balcony.


The entrance foyer contains a storage niche and a cabinet camouflaged inside the kitchen cabinet. Next to the foyer, the piano corner is against a background painted lemon green (1029A) and next to it is a light fixture in shades of pink and gold, created by the landlady by hand.

Entrance foyer before renovation

The entrance foyer after renovation / Photo: Sigal Saban

Living room

Unlike the original living room, which was closed behind a partition and a door, the living room is wide and spacious, overlooking every corner of the house, on one side the kitchen, on the other the balcony and study that is set up beyond a transparent partition, and opposite the antique piano visible from the entrance foyer. The orange Bubbles sofa invites sprawling, and in front of it are two recliner chairs. The space allows all family members to spend time together comfortably.

The living room before renovation

The living room after the renovation / Photo: Sigal Saban

Kitchen and dining area

The kitchen is the highlight of the house. The closed and falling apart kitchen has been replaced by a spacious open kitchen that allows two people to work together at ease. The kitchen has plenty of accessible storage space and is lit by large windows that surround it. In the kitchen area, the dining area was also planned, also colorful. The wooden facades were repainted in happy colors.

The kitchen before renovation

The kitchen after renovation / Photo: Sigal Saban

Master Room

Originally the master room was a dark inner bedroom. In the new design, the master room moved to the edge of the house, where a display is installed along the entire length of the wall overlooking the outside and the inner balcony. In this way, the room became a bright space. It remains white and light and is heated by parquet floors and splashes of blue color peeking out of the windows and curtains.

The bedroom after renovation / Photo: Sigal Saban


The location has not changed significantly, but the bathroom has been expanded and a laundry area has also been planned. The walls were designed like an account notebook in white tiles with a blue rifle.

The guest bathroom space has long experienced an artistic and dynamic experience through meticulous inlay of tiles laid one by one according to a precise layout, inspired by Mondiran's creations, a sink and black terrazzo flooring further emphasize the colorful experience.

Bathroom before renovation

The bathroom after the renovation is inspired by a notebook of account pages / Photo: Sigal Saban


One of the requests of the owners was to try to insert a balcony, so that the outside could be brought in, and allow a pleasant and relaxed space for sitting outside, even if at the expense of the space of the house. After much effort, by placing a transparent partition along the façade of the house, the designer succeeded in placing a balcony that constitutes an internal cutout from the front of the building between the master bedroom and the study. In order to differentiate this space from the interior of the house, the balcony walls were covered with natural shlicht, and for the flooring, gray natural stone tiles were chosen with a unique layout and among them, a work of art and a masterpiece of inlay with colorful Lego bricks. This work was carried out in cooperation with the contractors and the landlady herself.

The balcony after the renovation. Lego bricks integrated into the flooring / Photo: Sigal Saban

From the designer

"One of the most heart-expanding and unique experiences in designing a home for a family is to internalize their character and loves and implement them in a way that reflects who they really are, without trying to align with design trends or meticulous style. When this happens in full, magic happens. I am there to be the guiding and precise professional hand and to conduct this orchestra.

"In general, when there is good chemistry with the customers, which is a supreme value for me at the very beginning of the project, spectacular results can be achieved. I always tell my clients that it's important to me that they feel good about me, with the road, that they feel in good hands and that they accompany them all the way, because in the end I also plan their underwear drawer. It was fun growing up working on the home of this exciting family."

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Source: israelhayom

All life articles on 2024-01-11

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