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Aníbal Lotocki spoke from prison: "I am not a VIP prisoner"


Highlights: Aníbal Lotocki spoke from prison: "I am not a VIP prisoner" The "celebrity surgeon" gave his first interview from prison and said his detention is "unjust" With a new lawyer, he denounced a laboratory that produces methacrylate and ANMAT. The 53-year-old surgeon was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the serious injuries he caused to Silvina Luna, who died last year, Vicky Xipolitakis, his ex-partner, Pamela Sosa, and Gabriela Trenchi.

The "celebrity surgeon" gave his first interview from prison and said his detention is "unjust." With a new lawyer, he denounced a laboratory that produces methacrylate and ANMAT.

Aníbal Lotocki, formerly known as "the surgeon of the famous", spoke for the first time from the Ezeiza prison, where he has been detained since October 18, and elaborated an intricate strategy to try to regain his freedom.

In a telephone interview broadcast with the program Socios del Espectáculo, broadcast on Thursday, he defended himself and assured that "it was not in my plans to be imprisoned at all."

"Justice will have to determine if I am innocent. It makes no sense for him to be imprisoned without a conviction. This pre-emptive is an exaggeration," said Lotocki, who assured that "I am not a VIP prisoner. I'm in the best-behaved ward. There are the 50 friendliest prisoners. The cell closes at the same time, so do the visitors, the food is the same."

"It wasn't in my plans at all (to be imprisoned). I don't think it's fair, I'm in pre-trial detention (for the cause of Cristian Zárate's death). I had no judgment. I have no conviction. But the judge understood that I could run away, because I moved. And he asked for this preventative. If I am acquitted later, no one will give you back this jail time," he said.

The 53-year-old surgeon was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the serious injuries he caused to Silvina Luna, who died last year, Vicky Xipolitakis, his ex-partner, Pamela Sosa, and Gabriela Trenchi, to whom he applied methacrylate. The Justice also confirmed his indictment for simple homicide in the case of the death of another of his patients, Cristian Zárate.

As anticipated in the program, Lotocki's new lawyer, Claudio Lifschitz, filed a complaint where it is claimed that he was deceived by the laboratory that sold the methacrylate. Thus, the doctor maintains that the product was indeed adulterated, but that he did not know it.

In the new complaint, filed in the Court of Comodoro Py, Lotocki presents himself as a victim, as a complainant.

Lotocki maintains that the Allanmar laboratory, based in Santa Fe, would have sold him methacrylate out of the norm, without his knowledge, so it was placing a product on his patients that was not authorized.

This judicial strategy arises from the expert opinion that was made on the product that Vicky Xipolitakis had. The complaint is also against the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT), since the surgeon claims that they did not control the product provided by the laboratory.

"The result of these conclusions, together with the report, led the complainant here to seriously question whether the product marketed by this laboratory was indeed for aesthetic use or if a product for another purpose was put into circulation, for Lotocki and his clinic, without knowledge of it," reads the cover of the file.

In the text, the writing on the methacrylate packaging is added as proof: "It does not cause side effects (intoxication, rejection or cancer). He doesn't move from the place. It does not alter its shape or volume over time. It allows more quantity to be placed in the same place, if necessary."

The death of another of his patients

In addition to Silvina Luna, another Lotocki patient, Mariano Caprarola, a panelist on La Jaula de la Moda, also died. But the cause for which the surgeon has another oral trial pending is the death of Cristian Zárate.

The 50-year-old Zarate went under the knife on April 15, 2021, to have a slight excess fat removed (the technical name is dermolipectomy, something very similar to liposuction) and an abdominal hernia. The result was far from what was expected.

The situation was complicated at the Cemeco clinic in Caballito, where Lotocki rented an operating room to continue operating during the second wave of the pandemic, while the City Government had decreed that only life-threatening operations should be carried out, to ensure beds that coronavirus patients might need.

After the death, when the City Police arrived at the scene, they found Lotocki red-handed erasing sensitive documentation regarding Zárate's entry to the place and his medical history. The sentence in this case can be up to 25 years.

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Source: clarin

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