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Arched openings, mouldings... The revival of Art Deco


Highlights: The revival of Art Deco was fashionable in the 1970s. It is now attracting a young generation of enthusiasts who take a fresh and innovative look at this style combining classicism and modernism. The most daring are infatuated with vintage from the 1980s - Philippe Starck and Martin Szekely in particular - while other thirty-somethings live in Art deco interiors. Arched openings, pulled mouldings... this is the style of the 1950s and 1960s.

Very fashionable in the 1970s, this movement is now attracting a young generation of enthusiasts who take a fresh and innovative look at this style combining classicism and modernism.

Decoration, like fashion, is for many about "revivals". Since the beginning of this millennium, there has been an endless interest in the modernist furniture of the 1950s - designed by Charlotte Perriand, Jean Prouvé and Pierre Jeanneret - defended by powerful dealers, Italian publishers experienced in the practice of republishing and a handful of royalty-hungry rights holders. Rigid tables and functionalist seats, designed at the end of the Second World War for the needs of public buildings and other university residences, have thus been transformed into decorative elements for bourgeois salons. Tastes change. There is no question of young design enthusiasts evolving in a cad that is similar to that of their parents. The most daring are infatuated with vintage from the 1980s - Philippe Starck and Martin Szekely in particular - while other thirty-somethings live in Art Deco interiors.

Subtle fantasies

Arched openings, pulled mouldings...

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Source: lefigaro

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