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Brazilian doctor at Piñero hospital found dead and missing


Highlights: Brazilian doctor at Piñero hospital found dead and missing. Solveig David Vanini Marchi (34) was found in a room at 800 Alsina Street. He had last been seen on Tuesday at 21 p.m., when he left his job to go to an ATM. The City Police cross-referenced information from cell phone towers, bank cards and security cameras, which allowed them to find him. In the first instance, a suicide is investigated, police say.

Solveig David Vanini Marchi (34) was found in a hotel in the Monserrat neighborhood.They had been looking for him since Tuesday at 21 p.m., when he left the guard to go to the ATM.

Solveig David Vanini Marchi (34), the Brazilian doctor at the Piñero Hospital who was missing, was found dead in a hotel in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Monserrat.

He had last been seen on Tuesday at 21 p.m., when he left his job at the guard to go to an ATM. Since then, there has been no news of his whereabouts.

Finally, this Thursday, the City Police cross-referenced information from cell phone towers, bank cards and security cameras, which allowed them to find him in a hotel located at 800 Alsina Street.

The janitor of the place indicated the room in which he was staying and upon entering the officers found him lifeless. In the first instance, a suicide is investigated.

The report about his disappearance had been made by the head of the guard of the Piñero hospital to the Neighborhood Police Station 7 B of the City Police.

"Vanini Marchi was on duty at that care center in the Flores neighborhood, and he left announcing that he was going to an ATM, but he did not return," official sources had said.

According to the testimony of his colleagues, the clinician left his belongings at the hospital and only left with his debit card and cell phone.

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Source: clarin

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